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Last week’s message: Lord, Take It Away…
Luke 20: 46-47 (NASB)
Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and love respectful greetings in the marketplaces, and chief seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets, who devour widows’ houses, and for appearance’s sake offer long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation.
ID 303821394 © Volodymyr Tverdokhlib |
Years ago, I was heavily involved in politics. I frequently went to Washington to lobby for Health Freedom. I was president of the American Association for Health Freedom board in DC (now named the Alliance for Natural Health). I even paid the hefty annual fee to participate in the quarterly, behind-the-scenes meetings at the Republican Presidential Round Table. I spent many days walking the halls of Congress with various lobbyists, watching with interest the handshakes and whispered messages, and walking between the buildings through secret underground passages.
I’ve often been asked: was it good or bad? It was neither; it was interesting. It is an opportunity every tax-paying American should experience: See the Machine firsthand. Pick a cause, call a lobbyist, and set a plan to meet with him/her, spend a day on The Hill. There’s a lobbyist for nearly every issue you’re concerned about.
I have long remembered a specific meeting at the Round Table. We were sitting in a small conference room, waiting for a Senator to address the group about international affairs. He was about 20 minutes late when he finally came charging in with his entire entourage. Appearing very rushed and very important, the Senator delivered a short, pre-written speech, answered a few questions, and immediately dashed out the door.
I imagined how much these activities must have resembled life as a Roman Senator and a Jewish Pharisee. There was a constant flurry of activity—flowing robes, servants hurriedly following their masters, and people hanging on their every spoken word. They radiated an air of arrogance and self-importance, the same as our elected officials, two thousand years later.
With all that has happened in the first three weeks of the Trump administration, many Senators and media folks have started to make a fuss. Those who want the billions of dollars of fraudulent activity and inappropriate grants issued by USAID to remain hidden are creating a lot of noise, coming up with excuse after lame excuse to make the exposure stop. Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) has said, (starting at 5:30 in this video):
“My colleagues are making such a fuss over what President Trump and DOGE are doing, but NO ONE, not a single one of them, is screaming about the waste they have found.”
For example, Congress funneled $516 billion into EXPIRED programs in 2024 with zero oversight. If the programs were expired, where did the money go? I wrote my Saturday Substack about USAID’s stench. If you missed it, please read the long list of disgusting government projects that tax dollars were wasted on. Go here.
The hysterics going on are in proportion to the crime. The louder they yell, the more guilty they look. Or perhaps it’s because they ARE guilty that they are yelling? While they gave away our money, they stomped on the American people with
masks (deception CAUSING sickness),
social distancing (total nonsense),
lockdowns (loss of businesses), and
multiple COVID jabs (massive loss of health and life).
Our country suffered while bureaucrats lined their pockets and funneled billions into many Godless projects unrelated to patriotic generosity or national security.
Enough is enough.
The Lord has heard the tens of thousands of prayers for the healing of our country. We have been spared from the wrath of God, at least for now. We’ve been given a chance to restore God’s country to In God We Trust.
What are we going to do with the grace and the gift of time we’ve been given?
It starts by exposing the depths of the deception and cutting off the snake’s financial head.
Next, We the People need to keep the pressure on our elected officials to follow the Constitution and restore God-given morals and values.
Next, We the People need to continue to pray for President Trump’s health, security, and salvation. He admits, with gratitude, that God saved his life to restore our Republic, but does he really know Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel? Only God knows his heart, but prayers for the president need to remain strong.
Next, we need to take back our communities – food, water, education, healthcare, spirituality.
I know there’s much more; this was not meant to be a comprehensive list. It’s a place to start. We’re only three weeks into this explosive exposure that Jesus predicted two thousand years ago:
There is nothing hidden that won't be revealed, and there is nothing secret that won't become known and come to light. (Luke 8:17 – ISV)
Today’s Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, thank for hearing our pleas and prayers for our country and for the American people. You would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of ten righteous people – which could not be found. America certainly has more than ten who are living in alignment with Your will, acting justly, and upholding moral and ethical standards. Many of us have a heart that seeks justice, kindness, and purity, as well as living under Your authority and obeying Your commandments. We reached out to You, individually and collectively. We bore our hearts to You and You responded. We are so grateful. Thank you.
Father, keep us humble. Help us to fix our eyes on You and only You for our country's salvation. We pray for our elected officials, from our local mayors and governors to our national members of Congress. Put Godly men in charge of the committees and departments. Humble them and bring them ALL to their knees for repentance.
We continue to pray for the restoration of the soul of our country, Lord. America has not always been pure. We have been deceived and led by persons who were not Righteous. We are collectively guilty of many things. We repent for our country’s dastardly deeds of the past. Heavenly Father, bring America back to be a shining representative of You, a beacon of hope, through the gift of Your salvation. Jesus, we need You now, more than ever. We ask for these things in Your holy name. Amen.
Right on the mark. And beautifully written. Thank you.
I love your writing, it is quite inspiring!
I wrote the following essay 3 years ago and I am more convinced now that God is in charge. I suspect He purposely allowed the theft of 2020 to give President Trump 4 years to learn what went wrong during his first term and prepare for this one.
I suspect He is smiling down on us as President Trump hit the ground running!
Are we being sent messages?
1976 - Jimmy Carter, a seemingly sincere but utterly incompetent president sparked a backlash against democrats and led to the rise of Ronald Reagan.
1992 - Bill Clinton aka Slick Willie, a president who primarily cared only about himself even above his party, sparked the backlash that led to a republican takeover of congress.
2008 - Barack Obama aka the Kenyan, a smooth talking president who was all in for the left, sparked a backlash that strengthened the republicans.
2020 - Joe Biden aka the squatter, a demented old man who stole the office of president, sparked the largest backlash ever which will lead to a massive rise of republicans.
What do these increasing levels of evil and depravity of the democrats tell us?
Each dark time was an opportunity for republicans to rise and lead the country in the way our founders intended. Each time they failed. Will it be different this time? We can hope, get active, and above all pray that we heed God’s message. This reminds me of the plagues of Egypt. Will we need 10 of these dark times as the Egyptians did? I sincerely hope not!