Philippians 4:4 (ESV)
Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice.
Sometimes, the Lord opens your eyes to answered prayer in subtle ways; other times, it can be quite obvious and immediate.
Most of you who have been following my podcasts and posts for a while know about the love of my life, my little Japanese Chin, Teegan. On Wednesday night, I returned home from a dinner engagement, and everything was normal. He greeted me with his usual exuberance, jumping onto my knees and excitingly spinning in circles. If you’ve never seen a Chin Spin, it looks like this: (Teegan looks a lot like Bonzai!)
I opened the back door so Teegan could go outside to potty. When he returned, he took a few steps across the kitchen and stopped walking. He just froze in place and looked at me in obvious pain. He curled up on the kitchen floor and would not move. He could barely walk, wouldn’t eat, and just sat there looking at me with big, sad brown eyes, quivering. I had to carry him to bed where he stayed in the same place, in the same position, the entire night.
As a concerned, hovering Dog Mom, I took him to the MedVet ER the next morning. After two hours in the waiting area, I insisted on a pain shot; at least he was a little more comfortable, not shaking and panting in pain.
Seven hours and $1000 later (for X-rays and lab tests), I had no answers. I knew what he did NOT have: no obvious fracture, no bowel obstruction, no kidney issues, no infection. That was it. The vet wanted to prescribe him FIVE medications – he’s just a little guy, only 11 pounds! I said, “No, thank you” – I had a few dog-friendly anti-inflammatory pills at home. I told her I would figure it out and left.
The next morning, I called every Animal Chiropractor within a two-hour drive of my home. None were open on Friday. The two offices I spoke with were not accepting new patients for at least six weeks and made no exceptions for emergencies.
At that point, I did what I should have done in the first place: I called on my praying friends and my wonderful team to pray for Teegan. We asked Jesus to take away his pain and restore him to his normal, happy, rambunctious self.
He continued to lie motionless on his MyPillow doggie bed for hours. In the afternoon, I carried him downstairs to be near me while I recorded two podcasts for our upcoming Happy Hour Bible series in March, “The Signs of Jonah.” At the end of two hours of recording, I told my guest, Ender E. Law, what had happened to Teegan and that he was lying in a motionless at my feet. He said, “Let’s pray for Teegan,” which we proceeded to do. Within five minutes, after the close of our prayer and the end of our conversation, Teegan stood up, gave a full-body shake, and ran up the steps! And he’s been 100% back to normal ever since. I know our collective prayers that made the difference. Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus!
Restored Faith in Prayer
I have been going through a time in the wilderness. The previous three years have been difficult, and the last 18 months have been some of the most challenging days of my life. I spend almost all my time alone, and I most of the time, I haven’t felt the Lord close at all. If He heard my prayers and saw my tears, He certainly wasn’t giving any indication of it nor was He giving any direction or answers. Remaining faithful, I continued to ask, seek, and knock, trusting that one day, someday, directions would be given and a window would open since so many doors had been closed.
During times in the wilderness, even the most faithful and trusting Christians can grow weary and begin to doubt. “Are God’s promises meant for me? If so, where are they? I feel no comfort. God, where are you?” Many prayers and many tears later, nothing has opened; nothing changed.
And then suddenly, in a single moment, God’s love shines through. A small but fervent prayer is answered. Immediately. And you are reminded that God is always present. He always hears. He always sees. And even though the situations you have been praying about have not changed, your perspective has changed. Your faith and Joy in the Lord is restored, and your heart leaps with joy.
If you have been slogging through the wilderness, through heavy trials that Earth School has put in your path, hold God’s promises close to your heart and remember the words of Jeremiah:
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jer. 29:11 ESV)
Today’s Prayer
Dear Father, thank you for Your word and Your promises that never fail, even when we falter, challenge, and question. Forgive us when our faith falters or when we have doubts about our relationship with You. Pick us up, shake us off, give us a hug and a kiss on the top of the head. Set our feet back on the path You have designed for us. We will rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice!!! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Thank you Heavenly Father for answering Dr. Tenpenny's prayers for her sweet Teegan and for showing her that you're always with us, no matter what!!
Miracle!! God is SO Good.