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The Signs of Jonah. A 4-part Bible Study series by Ender E. Law

What if the greatest prophetic sign was hidden in plain sight?

In this explosive four-part Bible series, “The Signs of Jonah”, we dive deep into the mystery, prophecy, and celestial signs surrounding Jesus’ only sign to an evil generation. Scholar and researcher Ender E. Law takes us on an eye-opening journey through apologetics, eschatology, and biblical prophecy, unraveling the meaning behind Jonah’s story and its stunning connections to the end times.

Part 2: Unveiling the Signs—The Blood Covenant and the Coming Judgment

Building upon the foundation of biblical signs, we turn to Jesus’ words in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, dissecting their accounts of the Sign of Jonah. What was Jesus truly pointing to? As we examine the Alef-Tav—the Strength of the Blood Covenant, we uncover the hidden power of Christ’s sacrifice written into the Hebrew language itself. This episode also explores the Lion, the Seed, and the Beast, tying the Revelation 12 sign, lunar eclipses, and biblical prophecy together in ways that will leave you in awe. Are these celestial markers signaling a time of divine reckoning? Have we entered a season where God is calling His people back before judgment falls? This episode will challenge you to see beyond what the world perceives and recognize the signs of the times.

Join us as we decode the signs, uncover the truth, and prepare for what’s to come.

About the author:

Ender E. Law is a dedicated student of Bible prophecy, a researcher of apologetics and eschatology, and the author of The Sixth Seal Signs, The Covenant Signs, The Signs of Jonah, and the upcoming The Signs of Immanuel. His work bridges scholarly research and biblical truth, revealing deep prophetic insights for today’s generation.

A former worship leader and small group teacher, Ender is currently pursuing a Certificate of Biblical Studies at a leading theology school. With over 30 years in the high-tech industry, he holds degrees in Engineering and an MBA, bringing a unique analytical approach to biblical prophecy and end-times signs.

Through his research, writings, and speaking engagements, Ender continues to challenge, equip, and awaken believers to the urgent messages of Scripture. He is a husband, father, and—above all—a child of God.

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New Book Trailer: The Signs of Jonah

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