Yes! And what I have learned is that the steadfastness of learning through all the various trials of life, pays off hugely when the "big ticket" trials hit, such as the loss of my daughter in December. I never got upset with God for taking her; I leaned on Him, Experienced His love through the hands and feet of those who He used, and He knew every detail. I could see the details because I already knew Him intimately.

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God be with you. As you know, Jesus understands your pain as he went through the same thing while he was on earth, and he is with you. May our loving God hold you in his loving comforting arms as you mourn for your beloved daughter and as you miss her. Your tears are prayers to him. He will give you strength every day as you go through this storm in your life. As God tells us in the Bible, he will be with you through the storms of life and will never leave you or forsake you.

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I’m so sorry for your loss of your little daughter. As a mother I truly understand what that must feel like. And praise you Lord Jesus for holding my sister‘s hand and heart during this time of healing. One day you will be reunited. Hallelujah. Love you in Christ hang in there one day at a time move forward he walks each step with you & has great rplans for you. 

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I’m so sorry for your loss. God will lead your forward and heal your heart.

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Thank you for this great reminder, Dr. Tenpenny!

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Love ❤️ this article. Thankyou

Whoever comes into your life is either a blessing or a lesson, and once the lesson is learned, they become a blessing

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Thank you Sister in Christ! I could see how tired you were after your trip to the Reawaken Tour & then getting sick. God is saying, “Rest up. There is more we have to do.” No need to move forward now. Enjoy it while you can.

I enjoy your articles and they are very timely in your message and in my life. I’ve had to cling to Jesus this past week as we continue to deal with my husband’s condition and dealing with medical tyranny and waiting for him to be seen by the cardiologist.

By the way, we just started Cardio Miracle and boy we should have started that a long time ago. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to plug a product here. I just wanted to say thank you for bringing it to our attention.

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I’m glad it’s helping!

For those who haven’t tried it yet go to DrTenpenny.com - under shop tab use DrT for 15% off your first purchase of cardiomiracle

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what is letting you know it's working?

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My husband has been very weak with low energy. He used to multitask for several hours. Now if he’s on his feet for more than 3 hours or at his computer for 45 min. He pays for it with joint paint at night. His circulation is really bad. Now his energy is coming back. He still has to be careful since we don’t know what he’s dealing with and we haven’t seen the cardiologist yet. (No he’s not jabbed).

As for me, I’m more energetic and “bright” (his words) and sleeping all night without using melatonin. I still take a natural essential oil pill to fall asleep (I may not tonight). This is our first week.

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Very interesting. I thought of James:1 in the middle of the night and then to read your article was wonderful. The Lord is most certainly leading you.

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Dr. Sherri! We all need reminders and to be with others who are on the same spiritual journey,

it makes us not feel so alone and gives us support. We do need reminders and maybe someone sees something a way that we hadn't thought of. This helps. Thank you!

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💯🤍🙏🏻🤍 Bless you, Dr Sherry

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I needed this today. Thank you for always sharing what is on your heart. I’ve been waiting for what seems like a lifetime, at least 25 years for healing for my daughter. Along the way God has answered so many prayers except this one. I think back to when my daughter was young and how my faith in God kept me pressing forwards. I’ve now noticed as I watch her that it’s not a loud a healing healing as I would see it but that he has also made her whole in so many other ways. Sure I’d take a miracle, but it’s not just about what my idea of healing looks like. I surrender that today to the Father and pray his will be done. Thank you and God Bless you Dr. T. 🙏🏼💕💖

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YES!!! 💜💜 HARD!!!

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Thank you so much for this today. It seems like everyday has these little opportunities to forget to be patient and humble.

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Thank you Dr Tenpenny

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Thankyou, Dr. Sherri. A very helpful and needed reminder.

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Sound advice, Godly wisdom. Amen and thank you.

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Yes! There’s a song and the words are pretty blunt, but so true! The title is, “I’m not dead so God‘s not done! “So true.  it is the great gifts of love and faith and our Blessed hope and trust in Jesus, our Lord and Savior, only.

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I needed to hear this reminder today. Thank you and God Bless You💜

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