Thank you... Dr. T, I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4 NLT. They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them. Palam 112:7 ----- "LORD, You're here, right beside us. Not in some faraway land where our words can't be heard, You have us all in the palms of Your Mighty Hands, never to let us go, overshadow us this day we pray with Your lovingkindness, reminding us that You will work everything out for our good just like You always do. Thank You LORD." Amen...

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Thank you for reminding us of the power of the Word. God protects a person emotionally and mentally. It helps us to avoid becoming overwhelmed by distressing problems.

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Amen! Praise be to God! Thank you for sharing some of the Good News, Dr Tenpenny! ❤️

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I needed this reminder this morning. Right before I checked my phone for my daily Substack perusal, I mentioned a concern to my husband and said, “I just don’t know what God will want us to do next.” My husband offered a comforting word and then I opened my phone to your title “Do not Fret”. So, I repented for fretting and now will try to continue down that path concerning our personal situation. Thank you!💗 🙏🏼

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Comforting reminders, Dr. T., thank you.

Lord, we praise You and we thank You for Your unchanging faithfulness toward those who are loyal to You.

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So wonderful Doc! God bless you! ✝️💜

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Thank you for your comforting and wise reminders to be mindful of this Dr. T. 🙏

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I love this, thank you!

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Great observation! I’ve said many times that if you aren’t controlling your thoughts then your thoughts are controlling you! King David was a king. Kings have subjects. So guess who King David was talking to when he said “Bless the Lord oh my soul, bless His Holy name”? King David was commanding his own soul and , “all that was within him”. Telling them to “bless the Lord”. Psalms 103:1-2. Are you controlling your thoughts or are your thoughts controlling you?

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P.S. Dr Tenpenny, you sent me a link to a video about an exorcist. Thank you. Though, when the man talked about a woman who only weighed one hundred and five pounds and it took six men to hold her down. Isn’t that a bit of a circus? What would we think of Jesus, if He told six of his strongest men to hold down a woman so He could cast out s demon? We have the Holy Spirit living in us. Jesus’ disciples came back with joy as the demons were cast out. I wonder, do those who cast out demons, make it so scary as only they will be seen as able to do such work? Jesus told us in Mark 16:17, “Those who follow Me will cast out demons.”

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Resist the devil and he will flee from you. You don’t and shouldn’t actually touch anyone. The authoritative word from a believer is more powerful than 100 men.

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Dear Dr Tenpenny,

You have most certainty grown in the Lord as its not possible to write as you do. For myself, the Lord has revealed Himself to me over and over again. To the place, “Lord if you can bring (save) me through that. You can bring me through anything.” I’ve been in situations where most and I do mean most would say, “There’s no way that could happen!” Though, I keep telling the stories even though they might reject the story and me. For God loves for us to tell others what He works in our lives as it glorifies the Father and the Son. We will live for a hundred million years with the Lord and that’s just the beginning. This is just but a whisper in time compared to our future. May the Lord keep your mind clear and your heart steady in these most certainly exciting times.


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