Well done and all encompassing!

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Well said! Where are the parents? Anyone can be a parent, and the youth seems helplessly lost in video games, social media, trying to fit in. We have spoiled our children, wanting to be their friends and not role model adults.

I get today is more bombastic with gender transvestites sexual pressure the education lacking solid discipline of God with no pledge of allegiance

CRT, no wonder these kids are taught to dislike themselves, confused on a definite sexual role,

Dislike our country, no appreciation for our history.

Well we can only reach those kids in our circles

And pay them attention.

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“Praise the Lord” for your wisdom and common sense, but most importantly, having a sense of what one should truly love and value. Today this is the most important thing we can have because the world is heading in a dangerous and ungodly direction.

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Thank you, Dr. T

GOD bless you. What a powerful letter of insight and encouragement on this Father's Day. Thank you.

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Thank you- much appreciated. Please share!

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Thank you, this was delightful

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