After putting my father on a nutritional CancerTherapy as a teenager and seeing him live 35 years more and never dying from any of the four cancers, we no longer trusted the medical profession. There are many fine individuals out there that really care about people. But society has made it into idolatry.

Oh the doctor says this… Well what does Dr Yahweh say first. Do we ask the Lord who made us first? He says. Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is still near. Thank you for your writings and balance to the medical community.

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I too had to wake up to the reality of the "medical profession" and in leaning on God FIRST and taking a step back from just blindly accepting other's verdicts over my Dad's health. they did not know but they still prescribed freely, what they were "prescribing" was a way to suppress his acting out, his ill health, his emotions that were finally at a breaking point from being suppressed since childhood. due to that, he never took care of himself as he was never taken care of as a child, so he believed he didn't deserve to receive and therefore, didn't. he had an emotional breakdown. the "doctors" called it, "dementia" but said, "we don't know if it is organic or inorganic" - basically, they just treated him with psychotropic drugs to keep him from moving around. period, end of story. I didn't know what was going on, I had never seen this and he was suffering a lot. to keep this shortened for brevity sake, I took him home soon as I could (this involved driving from another state in the car, a nightmare but also because the doctors would not give me any meds that they had been giving him *cold turkey detox, so we just left and my dad, well, suffered big time). the doctors were against me taking my dad, they told me to my face, "forget about him" and tried to drug him with the highest dosages possible, they told me. suffice to say, NO I WOULD NEVER TRUST THEM OR ANYONE ELSE without thinking for myself, for asking GOD FIRST WHAT IS RIGHT FOR ME TO DO and then proceeding. This was a horrendous time for my Dad and I but we stuck it out, we did this about 8 years, by OURSELVES, our family connections all, "DISCONNECTED" from having to do anything with my Dad's care at all, mainly because it was inconvenient and my Dad didn't have any properties nor money to his name. I don't care, I loved my Dad, he passed peacefully and I know God was with him, he was conscious and peaceful, I was with him, and my Dad did not die with "dementia". He merely had nutritional deficiencies big time from not taking care of himself and for keeping the load of childhood abuses and dysfunction to himself and never once complaining, not once ever. I value this time I had with my Dad, God was with us, we were mightily blessed and it was the best thing I ever did in my life, the hardest, that too, but we did it with the grace and help from God Himself. so....would I do it again? yes, only this time even better. I learned. Trust no one save the Lord, go to Him first and all things shall be added unto you. So be it. Trust in God people, despite appearances and He will pull you (and your loved ones) thru. God bless the good.

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My family came back to me after many years of being split apart and the Lord made that happen because of his grace and mercy. He is such an amazing God! 🙏

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I now truly see what has happened with covid (which I flat out question) and the push from ngos and big big business as an assault on God and his people. I am now researching, learning, speaking out and doing a great deal of praying.

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if you keep an open mind and keep researching you will discover the agenda, it is right out in the open, in your face, they admit it, the Georgia Guidestones were taken down (blown up, actually), because people saw that they had even carved in stone, "The World population to be maintained at under 500,000,000 in accordance with nature"...........down from almost 9 billion people. Agenda 21 was renamed Agenda 30 because their numbers weren't met yet but they keep trying. Bill Gates in on YT in a TED talk on Population Reduction using vaccines. He was speaking to this directly stating that "if we do a good enough job with healthcare *cough, cough, wink, wink*, we can get the World population down by a good 10-15%" and the people in the audience CLAPPED like seals.........cheering for their own demise. some will argue it's fake, some won't want to admit he is saying what he is actually saying and don't want to believe that there are sociopaths who are into this but some will wake up and not comply. your choice, to wake up now or wake up later, your choice. Bill Gates dad was head CEO of Planned Parenthood, the eugenicist's wet dream of depopulation at it's "finest", a generational demonic sociopathic and anti-God agenda. your choice to know. God bless the good because God wins in the end.

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Good Sunday morning to you. Thank you for your Walking With God writing. What you are saying is so encouraging and important. <3

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It's a daily battle to keep focused on Jesus and to remember this world is not our home. I'm a senior who is well aware of this "1984" attempt to gain control of this world. The evil that prevails in the government we had so much trust in and now realize the power we gave them that we are fighting daily to regain from them; all because we trusted in 'man' instead of in God. Reminds me of when the people didn't want God ruling over them, they wanted a King and so God gave them King Saul and that was a disaster till David who killed Goliath became their King, history once again repeating itself.I never thought I would see the day our government would not abide by The Constitution. PRAY GOD WILL DELIVER US FROM THE EVIL THAT PREVAILS.

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We keep moving forward! Even though the enemy knocks us down at times, we keep getting up and moving forward, knowing, If God be for us, who can be against us! Stay in the Word and listen to the Holy Spirit. We live in deceitful times. Make sure All lines up with God's previous Word. Bless those that curse you. Show the love of God to all. Have a wonderful Sunday.. Shalom

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"With You, we are the Overcomers of the world." Exactly how I feel. We can do this.

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Amen, Dr. T.

God is good!

I grieve for those damaged by the evil ones. Praying they receive Jesus. He is our only hope.

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Thank You, LORD!

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance."

Romans 5:3 NLT

Dear Sherri, this letter is WONDERFUL. Your journey has been miraculous. How the LORD has been shaping you through trials and tribulations has been nothing but amazing. It is a testimony of how our GOD works in our lives and hearts to change us for the better. Truly, as we surrender more and more to Him daily, He can begin to use us beyond what we ever expected.

Sherri, your joy has overwhelmed me. I am shouting, singing, and dancing alongside you now, praise the LORD!

"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 NLT

May our lives glorify the LORD, now and forever!

GOD bless you all!

Isaiah 38/40 - The Lord Is Ready to Heal Me || Bible in Song || Project of Love


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Amen Dr T!

After dealing with all I had to do to take care of what's left of my mother's things after her death, it is now time for me to focus on God! What can I do now for Him. I want to be all in, but in a different way.

I am asking for prayer, for a group of us are going to brainstorm a new ministry for our church. I like to call it Critically Thinking for Youth and the Bible. Our younger generation need to learn how to think critically as well as to learn how to learn God's word and to discover who He is by asking questions when something doesn't make sense to them.

In my opinion, I am tired of the cookie cutter method of putting our kids into "Sunday School" when it's nothing more than music, dance and memorization with the assistance of videos and choreography.

Hopefully with this ministry our younger people will learn how to think critically with life questions as well (medical [not just pharmaceuticals], health and wellness, a relationship with Jesus [not just organized religion where someone tells you what you have to do in a ritual to get closer to God], education (not in school institutions that push agendas and don't teach basic life skills)...

You get the point. I think this is another way of being All In Where God Wants Us to Be.

Let's move forward and stop looking back and grab the bull by the horns..without FEAR!

Let's not be afraid to listen, ponder, ask, debate and be curious. Let's learn how to push back with confidence in Him who created us.

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Beautifully uplifting💕. Thank you

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Thank you.

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Amen and Amen!!

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Seek God first, and all shall be added unto you..........

Bible KJV Matthew 6:33

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

But we may ask, how can we seek Him out and KNOW that He is real? to know that He is there for us? how can we love Him? in the Bible it tells us, "to be still and to know", this means by learning to meditate on God, to surrender our ego and to bow reverently before God within........this is a daily practice and He asks us to do this;

Psalm 46:10

King James Version

10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.


and this is my favorite (if you don't mind my sharing this) because I realized that God meant for us to also love our SELF so that we would be able to then love others, because we ARE WORTHY, because God made us in HIS IMAGE, and HE breathed a spark of HIMSELF into us when He created each one of us, so no one is alike, we are uniquely and individually and powerfully made and God is our Soul, the part of Him, the spark, that He breathed into us, read this;

Matthew 22:36-40

King James Version

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor AS thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.


*I put the "as" in capitals to emphasize what God showed me, to let me know that it was right and good for me to love my own Self, I was not taught this as a child and suffered greatly due to feeling I was not worthy of God's love but He showed me so I emphasize this to share it with you, whoever needs to see this.

And God created good and evil, let us remember that God is more powerful than any appearance of evil, He allows evil but gave us free will;

Isaiah 45:7 KJV

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

....why would God create evil? To bring His children back to Him, otherwise we might wander throughout eternity, this is why He created the law of karma, or, "what ye sow, ye shall reap, also known as the law of consequence - when He gave us all the gift of free will. Who shall we serve, what is it we seek in life to fill the Void, to be truly happy?

This is how we can seek God, by putting Him first, by obeying Him in what He is asking us to do. It is going to be our free will choice. God has all of eternity to wait on us to come back to Him. God bless the good.

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I wanted to thank God for all that are aligned with that self same spirit by which we cry "Abba Father!" Both you and Dr. Stella Immanuel really shine for the Lord's long-bearing love of mankind. But the

The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. but getting people to love him first (examining our priorities) is always an ongoing challenge when loving our neighbors as ourselves. In my own neighborhood I see a lot of misanthropist, but as God has been patiently working with me, even so, I will follow his lead to work with them. As John the Baptist testified "

The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe." John 1:7 Let all who love our Lord Jesus Christ boldly bear witness of that Light.

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