Amen, very beautiful devotion. We need encouragement from the scriptures ever day in order to renew our minds. It is difficult living in a fallen world that is only getting darker by the day.

"For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning." Psalm 30:5

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I feel this deeply. Joy is our natural state, given from the Creator. Joy is truly non-conditional, the wellspring from which all things flow. What a delight to exchange it with others!

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Amen, Dr T! Many years ago, a visiting pastor to our church, spoke about prayer and how absolutely important for our daily walk with the Lord. His words touched me deep within and has remained. Prayer, reading the Word, seeking the Gifts of God in First Corinthians 12. Everything we need is in those gifts. The greater Spirit of faith comes by our asking Him. Our greater spirit of Trust also by asking Him to fill us, daily. Every morning, to wake up seeking God and Christ and through the day speaking in our native tongue and in the language He blessings us with. There’s power in the spoken word in praise of our God. We can dance outside in moon lite nights, proclaiming His Glory, His majesty on High. We can praised Him in the heat of the day. For when we praise Him with our whole heart, mind and soul, our Father smiles in heaven at our proclamation to the light and dark spiritual elements surrounding us in this world, “Our God is God and Christ is our Savior now and forever!”

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Thank you, Dr. Sherri. GOD bless you!

"Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him." Psalm 31:25 NLT

"For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing." Jeremiah 31:25 NLT

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 NLT

May the Lord watch over us this day we pray, protecting us from evil, filling us with His joy, and strengthening us to persevere. In JESUS Holy Name. Amen.

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I was also thinking of Matthew 11 when I was reading this. It’s so important that not only do we come to Jesus, but that we yoke up with him and learn from him, THEN we will find rest for our souls. Such a merciful plan!

Sure thought that was interesting that we were both thinking of the same scripture! God bless you.

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Dear Bellatrix, we were both thinking about that scripture because we have the same, Master. JESUS is our LORD, our Redeemer. We will all live in His Kingdom for all eternity together. I know this because He is faithful, and His words are true.

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Amen James! His Word is the only truth! And Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life! All glory to God through Christ Jesus!

Father I pray that You would grant that all draw near to Jesus our Savior. John 6:65

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Love this Sunday’s prayer! A great reminder to be joyful in all situations! Only thru Faith did I realize the Blessings of that lesson. Being thankful in dark times & trusting God’s will for our lives & the Blessings that come from that! I tell everyone I know that no matter how bad of a day you’ve had, when you lay your head down at night there is always something to be Thankful for. As I pray daily for you Dr. Tenpenny please know that you are always one of God’s gift that I am truly Thankful for!

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Beautiful prayer and devotion Amen and thank you.

May God bless you richly Dr. Tenpenny , protect you and edify you.

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Loved this and something I’ve written about in my book but perhaps with less depth! Thank you for sharing 🙏🏾

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