Amen! God will move in His TIME. Have faith - have peace in knowing our Savior Lord Jesus Christ!

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Thank you Dr. Tenpenny. I love your devotional writings. God bless you!

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Thank you, that feels so good! God Bless you🙏🏼❤️

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Thank you Sherri. I look forward to your writings.

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Hope is having faith in what is unseen, or yet to come, as promised. God has given us much and yet we have still to see Him in ALL His Glory! He gives us hope with His promises in His Word and we know He is a covenant-keeping, immutable God. He promises to all those who believe in His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus, we will see Him face to face and be with Him in His kingdom for eternity.

He is our Hope! The One who gives us security and we can anticipate His coming. We have much to be thankful for.

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Beautiful. thank you

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