Jul 5, 2023Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Thank you, Dr Tenpenny for your reply. Gen Glover had his own Mariner army of several hundred men. He supplied the boats for Gen Washington to cross the Delaware River. If you have time, his story in the Revolution is well worth it. As his father passed away when he was child and his mother moved to Marblehead Ma. Even though John had a tough beginning without a father. When the war began, he had ships moving goods for the Colonies. His wife died while he was off, fighting beside Gen Washington.

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I’ve got goose bumps

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Your passage ("We pray that the EVILS will be EXPOSED, and ELIMINATED, so our country will turn from its wicked ways, giving You the opportunity to heal our land and restore our constitution") explains my work of 32 years, amounting to several tens of thousands of hours of effort.

That effort perhaps culminated in my recent novel, out last month, that I am more than happy to email to anyone who requests me (my email is Mail@PatriotCorps.org).

Here's my backcover description (which you are free to delete, Dr. Tenpenny, if you prefer:

Do Supreme Court justices have the magical power as claimed, to reinterpret words and phrases found in the Constitution? Or, are they bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution, as it openly declares? It cannot be both.

Fortunately, we may test false claims, even by going so far as pushing them to their illogical extreme. Like, for instance, the absurd claim from 1819 McCulloch v. Maryland, regarding the unfathomable power of the court to redefine the constitutional phrase “necessary and proper” to mean only “convenient.”

If judges truly have the fantastic power to reinterpret the Constitution’s words for the whole country, then nothing is stopping them from changing the word “Year”—relating to Congressional and Presidential terms—to mean instead a “decade” or a “century.”

Wouldn’t it be “convenient” for incumbents, if they could continue to serve, without having to face another election, because they could rule for a lifetime?

Read Trapped by Political Desire: The Novel, to read the story of one patriot who had enough of such nonsense, so he set a trap using as bait the promise of extended political terms, to catch fraudulent wizards in their web of lies.

It turns out that even the highly-unusual exception to all the normal rules is itself one of the listed rules of the written Constitution. This gives laws enacted in pursuance of the exclusive legislation powers of Congress for the District Seat sufficient color of law, for federal servants to extend these special powers beyond their true geographic confines, at least when no one is paying appropriate attention to stop the scoundrels correctly. Thankfully, we merely face the false extension of allowed special powers beyond allowable boundaries.

Read Trapped by Political Desire: The Novel to learn how to Restore Our American Republic, once and for all or happily-ever-after, outside the election process.

Liberty awaits your decision to pursue it.

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Dear Dc T. My family was involved with the Revolution with my relative, Gen John Glover. Gen Glover is known as the man who saved the Revolution, three times. There’s books written and statues of him in Massachusetts. John was a man of God and was close friends to George Washington. He gave everything to fight the evil of his time including losing a son in the battle for our freedom. We must stand strong in the Lord as did my relative in those dire times. For we know the ending but we don’t know the day to day testing of our faith. It’s all in His hands and when we rest in His hands, we have victory. Many the Lord bless you, family and ministry as we walk into glory we will have at the Last Day.

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Great comment, Brian. Thank. you!

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

Four days later and I finally get to read your post Dr. T. Thank you for this. In my simple mind I am flummoxed why people think it necessary to let off fireworks in our neighborhood one week before the holiday and until midnight on the holiday and at 4am this morning! This shows me how much people have lost the true meaning of Independence Day. It's more than just barbecues with the family now. It's late night drunken revelry disturbing the neighbors at all hours of the night.

I so appreciate the history of what Independence Day represents. But at the same time I dread the holiday for knowing how much noise we will hear in our neighborhoods. Those veterans who fought for our country and are struggling with PTSD suffer the most. People have lost compassion for our soldiers on this day.

I vent, for it is so sad and frustrating to see how the people who gained freedom through lost lives just throw the idea away in partying. I agree God is first and foremost in this holiday. Not fireworks and displays.

Thank you again for your post and I so appreciate your solemn words at this time when our country is facing such evil. May God protect you and bless you always my Sister in Christ.

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