I'm off to a local Al-anon Support Group meeting before I gather with alcoholic family members.

😉 🙏 ❤️

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The faithful are called to give thanks to God for everything—and not only to be thankful but to rejoice: "Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!" (Psalm 95:2)Happy Thanksgiving. ! God bless 🙏

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Wishing you, your family, and your fur baby a most wonderful Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for YOU, Dr. T! Sending love, prayers, and blessings from Michigan!

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Absolutely hilarious! I was trying to respond the day I read this, but because of technological difficulties, I had to wait until today. Thank you for bringing laughter to us when so many times we are faced with unlaughable situations. I praise God He gave us humor to share a laugh or two when circumstances around us are so dark.

I pray your Thanksgiving was a blessing. I also pray for all your readers to continue to be thankful throughout our time on this earth before Jesus takes us by the hand. Love and thankfulness to all who see the light within the dark.

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Another gift from you. To share a laugh --this is a good belly laugh. Blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving Day.

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😂ahhh need to copy that to include w/greeting cards📝☕️

God bless you and Have a Happy Thanksgiving ☕️🥧

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Very cute! Wishing you and yours a very happy and relaxing Thanksgiving. God bless you Dr. T for being a warrior!

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Dr T. Has someone hacked into Substack?

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no, I just thought that meme was funny, cute, different from all the seriousness going on around us!

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Dear Dr. T. My stepfather was an alcoholic, thank God not violent. I had to live with his sickness for many years. As you know, as a doctor, the harm to the person, family and even community when some one is addicted. Many people look up to you and rightly so. You are greatly loved as a sister by myself and thousands of others around the world. So when DrT kids around about drinking to excess, there might be one person who has been fighting to stay away from the bottle and then Dr T sends out a Substack that basically says, “Hey, it’s okay.” Will that person fall back into the hell they once escaped from? That’s why I wrote, “ Has someone or maybe even AI hacked into this Substack because this isn’t the doctor T I’ve watched, supported and prayed for these past three plus years. Then I read all of these replies and they see nothing wrong with the article. It seems to support that we are in the last days and if we believe kidding around with something that Jesus would never approve of, are we in deep spiritual trouble?

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We're not in "deep spiritual trouble' over something we can just walk away from. I almost didn't post it here (I posted it on my other substack) but I thought it was funny. We're too serious right now about EVERYTHING. A moment of levity is too much? And this holiday comes off so somber, every gif, every card, every note.

I never thought it would be "taken to task." Good grief, Brian. I suggest you lighten up a bit~~ I wasn't suggesting this was "ok" .

Jesus turned water into wine. He drank wine with meals. He had dinner with all kinds of sinners. He didn't get drunk, but neither am I advocating for that.

If you want to critically review everything I write/say/do, then maybe it's not me that's the problem. I'm not a purist nor sinless, and if a little humor like this isn't your, sticht, then maybe I'm not the "holy writer" you hold me out to be.

My paternal grandfather was an alcoholic, his one son (my uncle) died of alcoholic liver disease. I have several other relatives that I know drink a lot, more than "once in a while." And I enjoy 1-2 glasses of wine or a fine cocktail now and again.

I'm sure most people giggling at that meme have done it (most likely accidentally) or know someone who has. It's why we can relate. Its real humanity.

I'm not going to type pages of scolding or apologizing or judging about a silly meme. BTW, I laughed out loud at "Turk the Bastey." I'm not saying any more about it. As far as I'm concerned, this comment thread is closed.

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