Thank you Dr. T. I was feeling like maybe I was the only one who was getting tired of hearing peoples stories… Especially those that went ahead and got the jab and now they’ve got all these issues and they don’t connect the dots. It’s almost like I could finish the story for them. Anyway, Thank you for reminding us about patience and I loved the be still… And Know, we can do both and we do KNOW . For that I am grateful.

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Thank you, Lane, for your gracious comment... actually, i'm glad I'm not alone. It's so hard to hear these stories..... people are going to have to endure the physical consequences of their decisions. There really are no physical solutions to this spiritual battle.

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Another real good Substack, Dr. T. I really enjoyed the prayer. Thank you for writing these. Appreciate it. Take care of you and be safe, Karen in Hawaii

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thank you for your comment, Karen! you can help me a lot by sharing these substacks with others!

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I'll forward on to my friends who will appreciate your Substacks. See you on Thursday!

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I love Today's Prayer it is God we need to stay focused on. Lately I've felt tired of the constant insanity, they keep pushing on us and the people who remain deaf, dumb and blind to it all. They want to wear us down, to give up and comply. They are evil and deny who is really in control of this battle of good and evil, God Almighty and He wins the battle. Meantime, keep your eyes on Jesus and pray, pray, and pray some more God will restore this land. Remind yourself to be still and know that I am God. Amen

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Thank you.

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Thank you Dr. Tenpenny. We need to trust in the Lord and not lean on our own understanding. Haves a blessed day and stay strong. Nita

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Thank you for your comment, Nita! You can help a lot by spreading the word and sharing this substack!

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