I believe the American people and others have been subject to mass formation in that all the TV shows and commercials are promoting the family in these ways - gay parents, mixed families, single parents, kids transitioning etc. it’s in every commercial and show. The thought is if you see it enough, it will become normal to you. Same with pharmaceuticals, every commercial is a drug promotion. People who watch TV constantly are lulled to sleep with it. I woke up to what the agenda was finally after the Covid lies and began questioning it all. It is so obvious to me now. Stay focused on the truth of the Bible, read everything & think for yourself. If something doesn’t make sense, it’s probably bad or wrong. It’s hard to distrust so much, but if you aren’t thinking through things, then you are one of the asleep. We are in a fight for our minds.

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"We are in a fight for our minds."

And more importantly - our eternal souls.

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Very well written. 40 years ago I was very critical of church hoppers albeit I did not know why they made that choice. In the last ten years we have done the same. It is very difficult to find a church that does expository teaching.

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Well my husband and I join you in this quandary! You would have judged us 15 years ago when hubby stepped down from leadership in our “forever church” as the local paper exposed the agenda of our pastor!!! When confronted at the elders meeting, Pastor A spoke unapologetically about his plans for the near future! None of this had been mentioned to his governing body of elders. Pastor A just assumed they would be yes men and like good sheeple; follow where ever he lead. Except this was a staunchly biblical, conservative church well know to not promote divorce, remarriage etc. Pastor A told us in our private meeting: after 40 years as a pastor, no body loves this church more than I. We walked out, resigned our areas of ministry leadership, tore our children from their friends and social groups......and began our search!!!! Nothing in this area ( we researched them all), so drive 2:3 hours to be nominally involved, join a home church?, start a new home church......stopped trying, failed so nothing except C &E christians in attendance , kids have fallen apostate and we listen online to our pastor 3 hours away. We don’t have a church even for our funerals. Our walk, dependence on God is strong, but there are no churches in NW Ohio for us to hear the Word of God rightly divided. 💔🙏

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This is a big problem for many, finding a good church... I speak at groups, and from time to time we are asked if we pastor a church so they can attend our church - and we have to say no – since despite the fact that I am a studied pastor, we don’t lead a church. I agree that sometimes you have to leave because that is what God called you to do. I don't wish to be presumptuous, but may I present this for consideration? All the prophets in Israel in the Bible did not leave the country when there was an evil king. They all stayed and continued to prophesy again him, until he died - or repented. While I agree that sometimes we must leave a church - and I have - currently where the Lord has me is taking a righteoous stand and holding the church to account. If we all leave anytime there is evil - there is no one left to oppose it. Not a judgement, not a criticism, just something for consideration. Many that might read this post might be called to stay at a church in error in order to stand for truth and righteousness and correct it. their stand may lead to repentance. Sometimes the reason God calls us to a church is because of what we will bring to the church – not what it is going to provides for us.

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We too left our lifelong denomination that had been leaning toward the social justice agenda for years but finally got the numbers at the National Assembly to shift over to a full blown apostasy- we couldn’t do it anymore so we left our current church of 20 years to a truly reformed denomination that preaches & teaches from all of scripture. It was like a divorce, but the best thing we ever did. Keep searching for the church for your family, it’s that important to have that connection.

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3 years ago, my husband and I left the west coast and moved to Midwest to be near a Bible believing church. I love having sabbath now with people like our selves who believe. ...Sola Scriptura! It was hard....but we are glad we cut the cord and did it.

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Find a PCA church if you can. They are still steeped in the Reformed- we like you had to leave our denomination (life long PCUSA) never left a church except when we moved. So thankful to have found PCA.

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You are spot on. We are witnessing the great apostasy.

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Couldn’t agree more Graham Lucas .

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Yes Graham and it's not new.....

Vatican updates Seven Deadly Sins headline in The Sydney Morning Herald March 10,2008

Gianfranco Girotti,named new mortal sins in an interview with the Vatican newspaper,

L'Osservatore Romano 3-10-2008

Polluting Genetic engineering, obscene riches in taking drugs in abortion, paedophilia,and causing social injustice.

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I don't regard Catholicism as a church. It is simply a pagan religion although there are some true, deceived, believers in it who need to get out.

The World Council of Churches is corrupt, as is the pope sponsored ecumenical movement which is on its way to become part of the one world religion headed by the pope. When will people wake up?

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Catholicism is the original Church founded by Jesus. ALL Protestant Churches are offshoots of the Catholic Church. Yes the current Pope is an abomination, but we don't leave the Church because of man. Just like Biden is an abomination, but we don't leave the US because of him. Man destroys everything, but the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, Jesus said so and He is not a liar.

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The emporer Constantine took over the original Christians by agreeing to stop persecution if they would meet in the bascillicas with the pagans. They fell for it. The original Christians met from house to house. They spread very rapidly .This scared the Roman rulers so they tried to exterminate them through persecution. The Roman Catholic 'church' was started around AD 314 and not by the apostle Peter as Catholics are led to believe.

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You have been led astray much lime the original heretic Luther. There are now over 40,000 denominations of christianity and many spend their time denouncing the catholic church’s history because it sustains their position. There is only ONE TRUTH. Read the catholic catechism for yourself instead of the false teachings that have circulated and grown over the years. I’ve heard and corrected many as i have protestants in the family. Satan divides. Jesus prayed for the church to be as ONE. I believe what the early church taught, not the many interpretations that have followed Luther. Read his own writings, you’d be shocked.

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Is it true that Pope John Xll kept a harem at the Vatican?

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When you do not leave the church but it leaves you by alteration of man's intent...you do not fall away. You are still a faithful follower of truth. My church is rotten at its core and has fallen to the luciferian satanic believers and worshippers hidden in its highest levels. My parish priests preach that which they know to be untrue and wrong and think naught of it. The world has been blinded by a great delusion and very few have the strength 💪 or courage to face this. We will all be worshipping in basements homes and cave surreptiously holding services hearing the true mass because Satan can have no followers of God whom he hates

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Thank you for this. It encourages me to pray for the church at large even more. Pastors have a great responsibility to preach/teach truth. We also have a responsibility to read/search the scriptures and share Truth.

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It is certainly past time for Churches and Pastors that approved and advocated for biosynth mod mRNA injections and/or approve and advocate genital mutilations for gender fluidity to reverse course, repent and re educate their flocks.

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Excellent article! Our Pastor has been fighting against the "woke" agenda for some time now as well. Our church is part of the EFCA and we've definitely seen our share of criticisms from the higher ups in the organization due to our Pastor's quest to preach only TRUTH; thankfully he is first and foremost a 100% Bible believing man. It's important to have strong leadership that doesn't cave to the downward spiral.

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Thank you for speaking the Biblical truth about this topic. God will not be playing politics. He is GOD ALMIGHTY!!

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Thank you, Sherri, for standing for what is true and right in the eyes of the LORD.

"The normalization of sexual orientation because society says so doesn't make it right in the eyes of God." Sherri

We are all Accountable

(29) "The LORD our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions." Deuteronomy 29:1-29 NLT

All of us are accountable for what GOD has revealed. We will need to give an account to the LORD on that day.

"Do we obey or disobey what He has said in His word, the Bible?"

We need to be precise in how we use our words. Now is the time to speak the truth and take a stand for what's right in the eyes of the LORD.

Any form of sexual perversion is wicked, and all those who practice it, at the final judgment, will be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur and suffer the consequences for all eternity because GOD is Holy. He must judge all sins of any kind. As the Bible says, this is black and white. It's not an opinion. Unless we stand up and say what GOD has clearly spoken in His word, we have failed and will be held accountable.

As we live together on this earth, let us all be defenders of the faith. Upholding what GOD has revealed to us in His word. There can be no compromise.

"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, (the sexually immoral) those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8 NIV

Do we serve the LORD or man?

"But if you refuse to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15 NLT

"We will serve the LORD!"

GOD bless you all!

Third-Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3i-_VWxOAc&list=TLPQMDcwMTIwMjT6BeS9v1aBIA&index=8

Give Me Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyRzfVYWTNQ

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So sad, however I also see this as part of God's plan to unfold. It has been prophesied numerous times in the bible this was going to happen. We Christians must hold to His values. We also must go out and proclaim His Good News to anyone who we can reach. THAT is our purpose as believers in Christ. We plant the seeds. The rest is up to Him.

As for us we must heed James 4:1-12 NKJV

1 Where do wars and fights [come] from among you? Do [they] not [come] from your [desires for] pleasure that war in your members? 2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend [it] on your pleasures. 4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, "The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously"? 6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble." 7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse [your] hands, [you] sinners; and purify [your] hearts, [you] double-minded. 9 Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and [your] joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. 11 Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. 12 There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?

We MUST stay close to Him and His values and laws not the worlds. We MUST love, but not sacrifice our own relationship to the One who chose us. We MUST NOT judge, yet hold onto His precepts and His words as our guide towards Home. We MUST hold onto the joy that is within us. As churches fall into secularism, True brothers and sisters in Christ must not. We must NEVER put the institution of church before God. Church is the gathering of all believers in Christ, not the building.

That's just my 2 cents worth. Love to all the readers here who put Him first.

Thank you Dr T for your love and I am extremely happy God (and your hard work) put you back together again and that "event" never took hold. Stay well and rested my Sister in Christ.

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Thank you for having the courage to speak the truth and stand firm for God’s word!

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Very good points Dr. Tenpenny. It is amazing that as an organization that was doctrinally opposed to premarital sex, the Catholic Church is backpedaling now towards support of the LGBTQ community. If they do not support their marriage in the Catholic Church, then how can they support their premarital relationships?

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The Catholic Church has been breaking apart since the 60's. There is a small remnant of traditionalists left to uphold its teachings. The pastor of my Church does not support the Pope's stance on "blessings" and neither does the whole traditionalist order of Society Saint Pope Pius the Tenth (SSPX).

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You have exactly clarified what I have been feeling for so long about what has happened to our little church community! Many of us have stopped attending because of how liberal the current pastor has shown he is. He now has a trans-gender person filling in when he is gone. I stopped going when he pushed so hard for everyone to get the jab! I sent him many articles to show why it was dangerous but he ignored them!

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I did the same when my previous Church shut down during the covid me-too freakout and required masks and bioweapon shots. I sent the Pastor a "strongly worded letter" that was promptly ignored. I left that novus ordo Church and found a traditional Catholic Order that did not follow any of that nonsense. I just found out the other day that someone else actually stood up in Church and booed the Pastor when he started spouting woke drivel. People are getting fed up.

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Keep your Faith strong dear sister and what you and others did leaving this church was the right thing to do. Pray for this lost pastor he is not following what God wants him to do and NO trans gender or gay or lesbian should never be preaching in church that is an abomination. He pushed the covid jab that is totally wrong with God we must do what God wants us to do NOT man. Stay strong dear sister God is with you always only a prayer away. I talk to him often many times a day we are nothing without Him.

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and especially dear Dr. Tenpenny,

I would like to share with you a website. 


God is appalled at what has happened to His Church, but He knew it would come. There is an authentic Prophet living in Argentina whose prophetic Messages from Heaven are sent out approximately every 6 days. The latest one from Jesus Himself, dated January 2, was just translated into English on the above website. The Messages from Heaven go out first in Spanish and later in 7 other languages, with great care for the Scriptural accuracy of every word and its adherence to the 2,000 years of teaching coming down from the Apostles.

The background of the Prophet (the mother of 8 children who experiences the Wounds of Christ every Good Friday) and the history of these Messages are all on the website, with archived Messages since 2009, when they changed from being Private Revelations to being for the Entire World. One very useful Sidebar entitled Specials archives portions of the Messages according to TOPICS, such as The Antichrist, The New World Order, the Inversion of the Poles, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, The Third World War, the Great Global Blackout, the Alteration of the Family, Genetic Manipulation, and many more. 95% of each Message is about our need for REPENTANCE...NOW!--and not just atheists and people who live a worldly lifestyle, but also those who claim to be Christians but who spend their lives backbiting, gossiping, calumniating, and judging others. The other 5% of each Message is Prophecy regarding what will happen and has happened. We were warned early on about GMOs and misused science (Vaccines). Covid was foretold, as well as all that went with it. We have been provided with recipes for Natural Medicines from plants and essential oils for the Covid Pandemic and other upcoming plagues. We are told that the Antichrist is alive and working behind the scenes. He will not be allowed to come forth publicly until after the Great Warning, in which everyone will have a private Life Review or illumination of Conscience, what happens after death, but this one will be to all living people on earth at the same time, so that we can repent before the Antichrist comes forth publicly. After the Great Warning there will be a Second Pentecost for those who did repent, so that they will not be deceived by the Antichrist. Those who refuse to repent will become the persecutors of their families and other Christians, and will accept the Mark of the Beast. Everything is on this Heaven-sent website. The prophet is maligned by the Pharisees and Unbelievers of our day, as Jesus Himself was. Each one of us must take up his/her cross and follow after the Savior. The Church will experience Her own Calvary, but She will be resurrected to a New, Purified World after the Antichrist and False Prophet are destroyed by Jesus, who will come in the clouds. It will not be the End of the World, but rather the end of Satan's power in the world. He will be chained for 1,000 years. The wolf and the lamb will lie down together, and Jesus will usher in the Era of Peace.  At the end of that time, the Devil will be let loose and will inspire Armageddon, and Jesus will return in glory at his Second Coming for the Great White Throne Judgment. 

Now if you are Protestant, you will ask me now, "What about when He comes and destroys the Antichrist? Is that not His Second Coming?" No, it is an Interim Coming that the Early Church Fathers believed would occur, to boot the Devil out of earth as he had previously been booted out of Heaven by Saint Michael the Archangel. Jesus will reign on earth for those 1,000 years (or a very long period of time). But He will be reigning in the Most Holy Eucharist, as Catholics have recognized for 2,000 years. That is why we kneel in our churches and adore Him on the altar and in the Tabernacle. He says clearly in the Gospel of John that His Body and Blood are Real Food, and He really did stay with us in every crumb that remains after every Priest (even evil ones) pronounces the Words given in the Bible for the Consecration. He has remained with us for 2,000 years, and everybody who survives the calamities of the Great Tribulation will realize this TRUTH and will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth in the Blessed Sacrament in all the Catholic churches. He will be the Sovereign King over all the earth, and all the survivors of the Great Tribulation will understand that He never left us orphans, but has remained in the Most Holy Eucharist, hidden in what appears to be a piece of bread. There are many Eucharistic Miracles that have been authenticated over the centuries, and some modern ones as well, authenticated by science. The blood type of these miracles, in which the Eucharist changes into Blood, is always AB+, just as on the Shroud of Turin, and cardiologists can prove that it is from heart muscle that has suffered great trauma, as was the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which gushed forth Blood and Water after Jesus was pierced by a lance.

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten you and check out the website. I understand fully the reservations of many of you, as I  converted from Protestantism to the Catholic Church many years ago at age 33. On January 8, I will be 78. I have been privileged to eat Jesus' Body and Blood for all those years, and He is my Life and my ALL. I do adore Him in the Blessed Sacrament, and am so grateful that even though His Church has been corrupted, as Our Lord tells us would happen, these End Times are not the End of the World but are like the Birth Pangs of a woman in labor, telling her that soon her baby will be born. Soon we will live in the Era of Peace, which Catholics know as the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Who only wants Jesus to be adored by all His Children. He gave Her to us as our Heavenly Mother at the foot of the Cross, in the person of Saint John. Her only desire is that we love Her Son with all our hearts and do whatever He tells us.

God bless you, dear brothers and sisters.

Your sister in Christ...Sarah Jean Butler Davila

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The Disciples of Christ is a pretty liberal denomination, but at least they let individual churches choose whether or not to be "open and affirming" towards homosexuality. That is how it should be. Denominations like the UMC and others lord their authority over the churches, right down to minister assignments. That's one reason mainline sects are shrinking and independent ones are growing. People are seeking truth and don't want bureaucracy in the way anymore.

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There's another aspect of this LGBT thing that heightens confusion and helps promote what we are observing. I've been part of that community in the past, and I have witnessed the damage done there by judgmental Christianity, a subset of the church but a large one. Instead of reaching out to these people, meeting them on their own ground (yes, that's possible) and building relationships, there is condemnation and damning to hell (I'm not saying you are doing that), which strengthen the resolve of that community to oppose the church and all that it purports to represent (i.e. its God).

Which, really, is the greater sin? The practices found within the LGBT community -- sins which have their parallels with the covert practices of many believers -- or placing a stumbling block before potential believers in that community? Does it even matter -- do we need to be estimating whether "their" sin is greater than "ours"?

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Good comment. And you're right. But it is a fine line. Take a look at the work done by Joe Dallas. I've had him on as a happy hour guest twice. His personal story is something to take in. https://joedallas.com/


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Interesting links. His bio is a little scary looking to me, but I've only taken a cursory look so far. I've encountered -- online -- a few conservative evangelical pastors warning as I do. The pattern, though, has been to make a statement, recognize possible misunderstanding, and then clarify the remark. I can't say this hasn't happened to me. The clarification really should come first.

The LGBT community of which I was a part bore some similarity to what is going on now, if I look hard enough in the right places, but otherwise the present one appears to me almost unrecognizable from that of 16-20 years ago (my time there), and unthinkable in certain of its activities.

I'm in no way trying to justify what I see now. While there were ways around them, there were safeguards (now gone), and "recruitment" of children was a flat no. I didn't know anyone that was recruited, at any age. I knew confused, hurting people in the trans community looking for help. I knew plenty of others as well not necessarily fitting that description, but they were not my focus.

I also knew of churches -- "affirming" ones -- Christian and otherwise, that were there trying to help. I belonged to a couple of them, one after the other, for quite a few years. Unfortunately, those two and the others I encountered didn't seem to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ very well at all, and were themselves in much need of help. All in all, it was quite a scene.

Presently I am at my 3rd conservative evangelical church since then, a member, singing in the choir (alto), volunteering on the tech team, and leading a weekday on-campus small group Bible study with the knowledge and consent of the pastoral staff. And I'm 16 years post-op trans (MTF, "out" not "stealth") and no, my gender identity never changed. I don't recall meeting anyone back then that said theirs had. I didn't know this was possible. It is.

I have an endocrine disorder that I strongly suspect to be iatrogenic (pre-natal reproductive-system-destroying reckless pharmaceutical exposure -- back in the days of "it can't pass through the placenta"). And I can tell you a thing or two about what happens when puberty is "blocked", because mine partially failed for want of sufficient levels of sex steroids. There's also the sterility and the partially empty sella. I'm pretty certain I'm not the only one from the community in that kind of situation. "More research is needed."

"Male and female He created them". But creation has suffered much damage since then.

Things happen, time and chance. Life goes on if a tower doesn't fall on you. My life has improved significantly since I transitioned. Hiding can be very hard on a person.

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The Pope is illegitimate...

A mere CEO of a defunct corporation: The Corporate Papacy (a bussiness) can neither bless nor curse a same sex couple or heterosexual couple.

The distortions and degeneracy witnessed by all good men and women today is exhausting and confusing.

We must realize that for the sake of the coin, humans will do anything. I am not a Hue-man; I am man, I live in the grace of God and to the best of my ability I choose to walk a path of honesty, respect, kindness, and positivity.

It was the Pope's cronies that attempted to define you as a Hue Man; color of man, or copy of man!


Because a CEO of a company can do anything to gain more coin (profit) and especially to define a living man as an "entity", or hue- man!

The Pope is fake, it is a fake office and it has no standing innthe court of man.

We, the people, rebuke the position of Pope: and all priests, therefore, are illegitimate too.

In 1302, Pope Boniface VIII created the first Express Trust, known as the Unam Sanctam Trust:

“We declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff..."

A Pontiff is a bridge, ( as in Banking, and moving financial ASSETS) and a hue-man is a creature... so even this trust is based on a distortion and it shall not apply to living men (and women)

All pontificating blessings are fake.

Our blessings come from God alone, and we are the living embodiment of God's blessing.

May we walk in truth forever.




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