Thank you Dr. Sherri it is like you wrote these words for me. Handed to you by God. Yesterday I was struggling with very difficult choices that my husband and I have had to make in the last three yrs.

We came to the eye opening realization that we could no longer worship at nor support our Southern Baptist church or churches. In 2019 the SBC adopted Resolution 9 which is Critical Race Theory that is straight out of the Marxist handbook. We spoke to 3 of our church ministers about this and what our large mega church was going to do about it. They remained silent and in the end did absolutely nothing! No push back!. No informing the members of the church. With great sadness prayers and tears we walked away from our home church of over 40 yrs. The Holy Spirit made it very clear of our decision. The leadership had also remained silent on the vaccine. Encouraging members to get it to keep the church “safe”…Closed the church down for weeks, then on reopening provided masks at the door and roped off pews for safe distancing (almost funny) if not true. Hardest spiritual decision we had ever made because friends of many years looked at us in confusion and as though we were the weird ones. I miss deeply what “used” to be and will never be again. Taking too long but just sharing one of the decisions we had to walk away from. It is a lonely narrow road but Jesus told us the world hated Him first. I do have peace in knowing we did the right thing in God’s eyes and He is what matters most. God bless you Dr. Tenpenny. Thank you and others for letting us know we are not the crazy ones.

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Thank you for your heart felt comment and inspiration. Even more bless you for listening to Spirit.

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Thank you for sharing. I wondered why some Baptist friends of mine started talking about white supremacy a couple years ago. I couldn't believe they were talking like that. This explains it all, sadly.

The church may be practically wiped out because of the jabs. It seems only a minority escaped the pressure.

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Julie it is sadly true that only a minority of believers escaped the Lie from satan about the jabs. In our large bible study class we were the only couple who did not get the bioweapon and understood what was really happening not only to our country but every country around the world. And most to this day still have blinders on. God bless.

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That is really sad. I wonder how people could simply follow directions like that without thinking. We have to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. 🙏

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I wish Substack had a Hug or a Teary Eye emoji, Sheila.

As hard as it was, thank you for listening to and following God's direction. Just know that you're not alone in needing to make similar, challenging decisions.

And, sadly, our numbers are growing. Praying for Jesus' church!

Other believers get mad at me when I say the enemy won on Easter 2020. They don't get it.

In His Grip and Grace,

~ Jenise

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Night Owl there may not be a hug emoji but I nonetheless I felt your hug and thank you for your kind words they brought tears. 🙏🏻

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"Take the Lord’s hand, and He will walk with you through your challenges—whether physical, mental, or emotional." Sherri

Thank you, Sherri, for sharing with us mountains of Godly wisdom. It's so comforting to hear someone speak words of encouragement. Yes, the storms of life will make us stronger if we keep our eyes on the LORD through them all.

LORD, take our hand in yours. Never let go, we pray. Thank you for holding on to us through it all. We are less than perfect, LORD, but You still Love us forever.

Thank You, LORD, thank You.

"I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” John 16:33 HCSB

GOD bless you all!

Peaceful Piano Instrumental - Prayer Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiaBQAp9nMQ&t=437s

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Thank you Dr. Tenpenny. This all absolutely resonates. As a person who has experienced multiple traumas over a lifetime, enough to feel like 10 different nights of the soul - at some point I'd remembered that as a small child my grandfather had urged me to develop the love of Wisdom, and to seek God alone for it. Ask, seek, knock. He taught me that God is my Father, and the I could and should come to Him. Most of those times human help was not available to me, and I began to try this out. Dark nights of the soul can contain impossible T-intersections, beyond our human ability to figure out how to resolve them. I want to report to you that YES, taste and see that the Lord is GOOD. Confirm that what I needed in these situations did not come in each one, until I stopped trying to figure it all out alone. We sure do like to wrestle with situations with our human understanding. Nothing wrong with that, it's just important to recognise when we've truly hit that immovable T-intersection. When I would surrender all possible resolutions to God, my Father, well, information and paths would open, in remarkable ways I could never have created with my own brain power. All thanks goes to God. To cast our cares on Him, is truly the beginning of Wisdom. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. Kind of feels like many are now experiencing T-intersections as a county, and and as a global community. I encourage all to look to our Father God, no matter how complex life can get, and ask for HIS Will on Earth, because then whatever does occur after surrender, becomes something we can become curious about, not fear. TRUST in the Lord with all your heart and mind, and paths begin to appear, to clear, and helpers appear where there were none. Doesn't mean we don't end up having to make hard choices, or apply significant efforts, but the Lord supplies mental, physical, practical tangible needs that help us navigate through step by step. Direction and Wisdom that couldn't have come from Self, does indeed arrive. Our Father is so very GOOD 🙏💖

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Beautiful. Thank you

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Again thank you. We lift each other up in these times too ✨

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"We all experience times when our faith is challenged, when we are perplexed about what to do and where to turn because everything that has worked in the past to get us ahead is no longer working. Sometimes these circumstances are called a “dark night of the soul.”"

It's even deeper than that. The dark night of the soul is when even God feels far away and it feels like God has abandoned you. This dark night of the soul can feel like it will last forever and the joy and peace of God will never return. I went through the dark night of the soul for years. God was unreachable to me, and everything I did on my own was a complete failure. I literally hit rock bottom in my life and said "God, if you are there, there is nothing else I can do, it is all in your hands now." Slowly, ever so slowly the dark night of the soul lifted. I believe everyone in their lives go through the dark night at least once - God goes away to show you how it will be when you reject Him. A mini-hell on earth to show you what true hell will be for all eternity when you die unrepentant. I never want to live a dark night of the soul again. Thank you God for putting me through that.

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Thank you. My belief framework is slightly different from yours, Sherri, but I can recognize that we are on similar paths. Through it all, we practice kindness toward ourselves and others, listen deeply within, and respond when we hear a call to action. Bless you. Haru

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Thank you for these much needed words Dr. Sherri. God bless you.

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I just got off the phone with my sister in law, ( nonbeliever) , about how scared she is with the state of the world and fear of traveling. Timing couldn’t be more perfect! Thanks Dr. Tenpenny.

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Love, love, LOVE this! Just forwarded it to a friend who I know needs this message. Alas...don't we all? ❤️

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Thanks for reminding of my Father's love for me l will never leave you or forsake you.

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Thank you Dr Tenpenny for your devotionals--I enjoy them. The wonderful thing is that the Lord walks with us through all the dark and challenging times we go through. We are never alone. Our life on earth is just a little dot on the timeline of eternity and how we live here makes a difference in the life to come. What a privilege to live for Christ. Philippians 4 is a wonderful prescription for our anxious hearts. I actually love starting in v. 4, "Rejoice in the Lord always...". When I begin by rejoicing/thanking God for whatever I can, then by the time I get to v. 6, I don't feel very anxious at all.

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You are a gift to us Dr Sherri. God Bless you richly and His healing hand continue to be with you.

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Wow. So needed today. I am exhausted with caretaking and isolation. Trusting God to continue holding me tight and walking me through to the other side. God bless you and keep you Dr Tenpenny❤️🙏❤️

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I used Philippians 4:6 in the devotional I wrote last week for substack too. I was thinking along the same lines. I always look forward to reading what's on your mind!

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Light always defeats darkness. If we observe the Heisenberg Twins inside Duality, there is always a dominant leading us to Truth. Knowledge with Wisdom defeats ignorance. Knowledge with Ego Worship leads to Stephen Hawking circular logic black holes. Where unable to admit one’s self is not the center of the universe, your giant IQ makes a school child mistake, and you declare as fact, “when I die ALL the lights will go out”. Hmmm, Hawking died, all the lights are still on. Even the lights in your dreams. So, at least now we know the earth, the sun and Atheists are Not the centers of our universe. How could there be 8 billion human centers of the universe? Whoops.

In fact, Cosmologists now agree, there is no center. Infinity can’t have a center with out boundaries to define it. Even Hawking along with Einstein Et Al proved Infinity is scientifically sound. So as observers, as we approach the Singularity Event Horizon, it moves like the rainbow mirage that it is. Per the double slot physics experiment, we are invited to give up our duality observer-ship and experience ChristMass. Infinite Loving Mercy beyond the bondage shackles of Gravity and Relativity. “I am the Light, the Truth, the Way, the Amen, the Gate.”

Deny your self, your judgmental observer-observed Ego Idolatry worship. Pick up your Cross and follow Him. You can’t have animated life with out cathodes and anodes, potential differences for God’s Breath Life Force, to flow between. You can’t have positives with out negatives. You can’t have true love with out free will. Free will is pointless with out being tested. And even the Angels are envious of our gifts of human bodies. With out which Angels can not Fully experience the Full Love>Mercy>Graces of our Lord. Shielded from the full force of the Father’s justice by the blind Maternal Love of Our Lady Jesus gave us all as our Adoptive Mother. From the Cross during the worst of His physical human suffering. As we ask her, sitting at the right hand of our Lord with all the Saints, to pray for Mercy on us all. Through the Mother’s Immaculate heart our prayers are amplified into our Lord’s sacred heart.

“Hell is the delusion that some how you and God are separate from one another.”~ St Mother Teresa

The wave and the ocean are not separate. But the wave can’t exist with out the Ocean. The Ocean does not need waves to exist. 🧐

If this was a Hawking Atheist random universe, harmonics would quickly decay into Atheist Gibberish. But harmonics are 100% reliably repeatable. Replaying Ave Maria destroys Atheism and Clock Maker pie and eat it too Philosophy.

John 10, “Amen, Amen, I tell you ‘I AM’ the Gate.

Harmonics are not created by two fundamental frequencies. They are always there 24/7. And are unveiled, Apocalypsed, by the two fundamentals.

Amen_’I AM’_Amen. Amen_Jesus_Amen. The Gate, the Sheep Fold.

Je_Sus, God Saves. Y_H_W_Y, the Holy Trinity unVeiled, Apocalypsed harmonically. Revealed by the Sonic Bookends. The invisible made visible by the Cosmic Etch a Sketch. As the Father from Infinity beyond all time projects via the Holy Spirit, Into Redeemed Time. Through the heavenly layers, and into Linear Time-Space. Where the Word is made Flesh in the immaculate womb of Mary. And the rest is linear time His-Story.

God Bless all with the Mercy>Graces of humility to learn, the perseverance to carry crosses through the darkness, and the free willed obedience to follow the Commandments of our Lord into the Light of Absolute Truth. 🙏🙏🙏

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Dr. T - These are much-needed words for all believers. Thank you.

On a different note, a podcast was recently recommended to me, and surprisingly--in the list of all podcasts--I found an old interview with you from 2006! It was for your book on the bird flu, "Fowl". The podcast site is still viable on the WWW.

Future Quake - The Future of Pandemics (2006) - Dr. Sherry Tenpenny

Hour 1


Hour 2


Sobering to hear your words 18 years ago. Thank you for doing what you do.

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Thank you SOOOO much for sending these links!!

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What a beautiful prayer dr Sherri Tenpenny. I wasn't raised as a Christian, but i love Jesus. I love hearing biblical versus/texts. I ordered a wrong bible The King James. When i picked it up from the store the Girl said the book had been squashen, damag3d, did i still want a new one? Too bad my intuition was off that day. A wasted book of i think about E80.

I have tried to read it. But it's not a pleasant book.

Could you advise me which bible is a good one. I do not remember which one Mike Adams uses, he interviewed someone, also forgotten who, good interview as usually and then showen his bible.

Thank you so much for being you dr Tenpenny, you are still so cute

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The Old English language can be challenging. I suggest getting The Founders Bible—it's the NASB version (New American Standard Bible), which is said to be closest to the original translations.

If you go to www.TheFoundersBible.com and use our affiliate code DrT at checkout, you'll get either a 15% or 20% discount (I don't remember which one). This Bible also has great American history and archival-quality pictures.

Don't think of getting the KJV as a "waste" - you may want to use it later for a cross reference - or, give it away as a gift. The Bible isn't like reading a novel (page 1 to 150, the end) It's a living, learning communication tool. :)

I'd also suggest starting with the Book of Matthew. :)

if you'd like an electronic bible to check across many versions to see different interpretations, check out https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/

https://www.biblegateway.com/ is also another good resource, but it's more for in-depth study, and I find it challenging to use sometimes.

God Bless. Keep reading. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and show you the meanings. :)

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Psalm 107

Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble,

And He brought them out of their distresses.

29He caused the storm to be still,

So that the waves of the sea were hushed.

30Then they were glad because they were quiet,

So He guided them to their desired haven.

31Let them give thanks to the LORD for His lovingkindness,

And for His wonders to the sons of men!


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