Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you
It’s been a hectic holiday season for me, especially the last three weeks. I’m sure it was for you too. The following two weeks will be full of travel and events, which will make my schedule even busier.
For my followers and consistent readers here on the Walking With God substack, I am truly grateful and appreciative that you take the time to read the thoughts, missives, and prayers that God lays on my heart when I write them (almost) weekly. I only write this column once a week so as not to overwhelm my readers.
I try to share thoughts and stories to inspire you to walk closer to the Lord and, by posting on Sunday, to start the week with a connection with the Word. I’ve written a book (and two more are planned) that is a collection of these inspirations. Many encouraged me to put this book together, but few on this page have purchased it to enjoy AND support my work, a one-time purchase. We’ve started adding educational, Bible-inspired videos for members to further your study (the 8-part series with Brad Cummings is profound). How many have listened?
In the last six months, instead of growing, this column’s readership has gradually declined by about 35%. Many of the unsubscribers say they have unsubscribed due to “price”—which is interesting because the substack is free, and the membership is only $5/month or $55/year.
I imagine the decline I’m seeing is a bit like a pastor seeing fewer and fewer parishioners over time in the pews, wondering…
Are my sermons missing the mark? Are they repetitive?
Are they uninteresting? Unfulfilling or uninspiring?
Am I too harsh? Is it too much pabulum? Am I not convicting enough? Too much?
Or is it the times we are in? Are people too busy? Are there too many distractions? Too many other choices
While this substack is part of my service to God, and I will continue to do so as long as the Lord continues to nudge me to write it, I would really like to understand how I can improve and serve you better.
If you like what is here, praise the Lord!! I’d love your encouragement!
What topics have you enjoyed most? The least? Are there areas where I could do better?
Please reply with your thoughts in the comments below. Many of you reply by email, which is often lost within the more than 9,800 unread emails in my inbox (and I simply can’t reply to you individually.)
Your feedback will help me and this work to grow and ensure that I deliver the content you want to see. Thank you for your time and honesty!
I so appreciate the devotionals and prayers that you share on Sundays. The title of Francis Schaffer’s book, “How Should We Then Live” pretty much sums up what I would love to hear discussed more often. There is a great division in our society ( Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed ) and therefore, a great need for repentance, forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation.
Thank you for so faithfully using the gifts that God has given you!
I look forward to and read your Sunday postings. I especially appreciate the posts about dealing with fear and uncertainty.
I hope you will not be discouraged by the waning numbers. You are one of the few people I look to for hope and encouragement. May God bless you, Dr. T.