I so appreciate the devotionals and prayers that you share on Sundays. The title of Francis Schaffer’s book, “How Should We Then Live” pretty much sums up what I would love to hear discussed more often. There is a great division in our society ( Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed ) and therefore, a great need for repentance, forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation.

Thank you for so faithfully using the gifts that God has given you!

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I look forward to and read your Sunday postings. I especially appreciate the posts about dealing with fear and uncertainty.

I hope you will not be discouraged by the waning numbers. You are one of the few people I look to for hope and encouragement. May God bless you, Dr. T.

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Your articles are great. Time restrictions in too many other emails to go through is overwhelming. I do read when I can and your articles always have something that addresses something in my life and I appreciate that. I have dozens of subscriptions to many things and have to sort through which ones are the most important. Then that takes time to get around too as well lol. Please keep doing what you’re doing. I imagine a lot of people are in my position. Thank you for your good works now and especially during Covid.

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I third that! The amount of things to read just piles up in my inbox. Not enough time in the day. But I hope you keep doing them because I love them when I have time.

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I second that!

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Dr Tenpenny, you are a constant source of knowledge and inspiration to me. Your scripture based writings are always a joy to read, and I share them with others. I think the last 4 years under the godless Biden Administration have hurt our nation in many ways, not only spiritually but monetarily for many people. The paid subscriptions being lower could very well be people having to cut back on ALL extras to be able to make ends meet. I have always wanted to meet you and Dr Lee Merritt to tell you that you saved our lives by warning us very early about the jabs. May God bless you and keep you always 🙏

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Your articles are an inspiration to me, I am a new nurse practitioner and a follower of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is so refreshing to sit down and read your column each week. I agree with others that time restrictions and the feeling of being overwhelmed with the day-to-day busyness is at fault. Please know that your columns are a gift and we look forward to them. God is working through you on many fronts through your medicine and through your commitment to God‘s word.

The enemy is at hand, resist him, and he will-flee. He is the one that makes us feel defeated. Matthew 6:33-34 but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. What is all these things? Proverbs 12.:24 hard work is about fulfilling, our God given role as providers and caretakers. We are no good to Him if we are not seeking Him and each week your column points us to Him. I Praise God for you and your weekly words of wisdom!

Nancy, NP

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I love your heart for Jesus & pointing others to Him. Time restrictions with so many emails every day is overwhelming. Please don’t stop what you are doing.

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I feel the same way. Please continue your Godly work- it is appreciated! ✝️💟

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I enjoy reading what you send me and it is helpful. I am self employed and I am also struggling to sell (especially in January). Folks just don't have enough discretionary income these days. It's hard for me in my business too. But I also understand not having the money because I don't have it either......So I think it is less the content and more that we all are struggling in inflation.

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Jan 12Edited

Right now, we are in the End Times and, as Paul tells the Thessalonians, there will be a great falling away. John then tells us that they went out from us because they were not really of us. Those, like you, who speak truth sometimes hit upon what is hard to hear and accept. Remember, Satan will do whatever he can to minimize anyone who is ministering to others. Don't let discouragement due to numbers deter you, Dr. Tenpenny. You are a wonderful woman who is revealing what needs to be understood both spiritually and medically. Thank you for all your effort. I am sure you have saved lives from being damaged or, for that matter, ended due to your commitment and courage to speak up. 💞

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Articles that are succinct, earnest, and convicting work best for me. Please cover one major point as I like to leave with one thought or verse I can carry throughout the day. Thank you.

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I second Linda Willms comment. I also refer people to you often as being not only inspirational but one of the premier experts in the nation on all things vax. There are so many people we hadn't even heard of before the covid nonsense and there are more and more each day, it seems. Nearly daily my husband will comment, 'I watched such and such video, I think we need to watch it' and my response will be, 'add it to the list'. I think even if we were retired (we both work still at 69 and 72) we'd not have time to watch and read the vast amount of great information out there! Maybe once we reach heaven!

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Dear Dr. Tenpenny,

I enjoy reading these posts, and want to encourage you. Nothing you do in His service will ever be wasted. He will use it for His purposes. There may be only one person reading something, but that person needs to be reading it. Worldly measurements are usually not aligned with those of His Kingdom.

I appreciate your efforts, even though I don't read all of them, I read most, so thank you!


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thank you Mark and thank you for the soft reminder. You're right... thank you.

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I just found your page and am excited to grow with you. We can all use the reminder to keep God first and to love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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I absolutely love and find value in your lovely teachings. Please keep going. Unsubscriptions happen to everyone for various reasons. Like Charlie Daniels once wrote in a book "Never Look At The Empty Seats".

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Dear Dr. Tennpenny, I have unsubscribed from another Substack, not because I don't appreciate the content but because the price of food and goods has gone up a lot and that starts competing with things like a Substack subscription. I very much appreciate and enjoy reading your posts but for now, I still have to stay in the "free" category. I'm looking forward to the world settling down and prices coming down. God's blessings on you always.

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Dr. T you write what you are led to do. 🙏, I appreciate your writings , thank u. 🌞

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Dr. Tenpenny, What you say encourages me on my struggling walk with Christ. Knowing that there are those like you who will speak boldly and speak truth regardless of the repercussions. I think many want to continue living in their sin/worldly pleasure and are choosing to not invest the time in the Lord. I also agree with the posts about how some folks have over subscribed to emails and they just end up unsubscribing as a way to have less information coming in. I pray that you continue to post here! God will bring you subscribers!

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