Dr. Tenpenny,

How can we find ECP Treatment in our local hospitals and cardiac care clinics?

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the only clinics i'm familiar with are our clinics in Cleveland and Ventura. People have traveled from many states to stay for 2-2.5ks of treatment.



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Go girl, Sherri,you and God are moving mountains. I imagine this will save some into eternity

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thank you for the encouragement, Cynthia!

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After reading about the ECP beds, as a retired P.T., I am curious if these beds could be used to improve lower extremity peripheral neuropathy? Does anyone have any data on this?

Thanks !

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Yes, but certain types of neuropathy respond better than others - neuropathy that doesn't respond or change very much are 1) very dense/long standing neuropathy; 2) dense numbness from chemotherapy or long standing diabetes;

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Thank you ! This is for a friend and I have suggested he see a neuromuscular specialist for possible NCV and or EMG to at least eliminate spinal stenosis or nerve damage from knee and foot surgery. It’s really one of those things with a prognosis that is not very promising. We are in Nashville, so not sure of there are any options here for ECP yet.

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those are solid recommendations! Not sure about ECP in Nashville. TN is on our list, but not yet :)

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Could We hear from someone who has used a bed and get your results?

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it's right on the website under testimonials. ;)


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Definitely intrested 🙏💯💗Thank you Dr. T.

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Thank you so much for your encouragement and all the hard work you do bringing out the ECP beds - another form of fighting against the medical tyranny that hid this truth. I contacted your ECP customer service and we were ready to consult with your NP, but things took a turn for the worse with my husband. He is now being referred to the Advanced Heart Failure team due to LBP and his inability to take 40mg of Lasix without having issues. I'm praying to Yeshua everyday that my Gideon moment will prove He is in control of this situation. Unfortunately any kind of travel to one of your cliinics were too far away to consider. I did find out however there are other ECP clinics available. I'm praying you can get your clinics up quickly, so we can use your business and not some business located in a hospital. With all that said, I am asking for prayers for God's miracle to prove He is at work, however that looks. Meanwhile, I am dealing with a sinus infection after being forced to wear a mask 3X in medical facilities. Our state is being run. by a king and not an elected governor. Satan runs this state. God's protection is surrounding us in the midst of this test.

I digress. This comment was meant to encourage you to keep up the good fight and may God continue to use you in a mighty way.

Your Sister in Christ, Rennae

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Thank you Dr T for bringing out the truth during this three year crises and in the years before. May the Lord continue to Bless this project. I am in Florida and thinking, perhaps Dr Joseph Mercola could work with you on the ECP clinics here in Florida. There are vast numbers of seniors with heart issues (vaxxed and unvaxxed) who could surely benefit from this procedure.

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Thank you , Dr. T. May the peace of God be with you always!🙏💗🙏

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Outstanding. I am a retired geriatric nurse. This obviously will not be covered by insurance. I pray to the LORD that all people can be blessed by this technology regardless of their income. Maybe the barter system. Everyone has a skill they can share.

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God Bless You & Your Efforts! You are truly a gift from above! Hope Arises AMEN 🙏

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Thank You Dr. Tenpenny, What an amazing testimony. I heard about EECP only by snipits here and there over the last 50 years. Then Bamm! I heard you mention it in Branson MO last fall. Some how it connected. I made an appointment at your clinic both out of curiosity and hope that I might offer the service in my clinic. After 10 sessions and 8 for my wife we are all in. I contacted Daren and put my hat in the ring. Both my wife and I had some amazing responses to the EECP. God is amazing, I have so many stories of how he has shown me he doesn't build junk and how he guides us helping those coming for care to understand who truly is the master healer.

Doug Hays , Director Head to Toe wellness Center

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i've been listening to you talk about this On Critically Thinking/5 docs for a long time--so happy it's coming into being.

Where in TX? I'm moving to TX in 6 weeks so want to send in my resume if it's in Houston area. Thanks and God Bless you DrT

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Amazing story and God is so good! There is nothing like knowing when whatever is happening is God steering it. It's happened to me several times. People can talk about faith, but when these kinds of things occur, faith becomes more like knowledge.

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Thank you Dr Tenpenny! You are amazing and I look forward to hearing your successes by way of our Lord. May god continue to Bless your life.

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God bless you Dr. Sherri.

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Wonderful work Dr. Tenpenny. Excellent recommendation - to ask for a sign. Served you well, and as a result us. Thank you!

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