Dr. Tenpenny.... please keep in your heart that God ( as you well know) has had you in a place “for such a time as this.” You were one of the FIRST in alerting us of the evil that was happening. With that know.... you have been faithful and obedient...now, it’s time to remain in a position of “being still.” Rejoice in your special time with the Lord knowing you have remained faithful🙏🏼👍🏻❤️You are loved and appreciated for drawing us to the awareness of evil but closer to God🙏🏼

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Being a teller of truth is more unwelcome today in the USA than ever.

It makes my heart hurt to say this.

Liars are “in charge”, or so they think. But- there will be a day when they will see the true Light and truth will reign. God will not be mocked forever and when His patience is done- they will know it!

Psalm 2.4-5,”He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in his anger and terrify them in His fury.”

Their days of deceiving will end. Knowing this ,

we can be strong and courageous in his strength as we cling to Him.

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Father, we pray and ask for renewed health and vision from you to our sweet Doctor. May you continually bring her what she needs to conquer what the enemy has meant for evil. Ephesians 6! Love, Maria Ricci

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

I understand. I have been waiting, too. 3 things occurred to me as I read your prayer. I. Ancient times, when one prayed, they felt the answer already here. Also, God always sends messages through people. Fr Dominic of the Priests of the Sacred Heart in Hales, WI sent me a picture of the Sacred Heart. I got the message deeply that these times are about living from our heart with everybody - even the bad guys. I got another message from Johnsmallman.Wordpress.com that Love is the only reality. And another big insight from The Circle of Light on July 23. This is a channeled message from God, from Jesus, I believe.

“If your focus is on Me, you shall see the living Light, like sunshine lighting up your days. Regardless if the reality experienced by others, you shall live in the paradise of my prescience and your every step will be blessed. But to do this, you must choose to see only My face, to feel only my omniscient Presence filling up your life, your consciousness, your heart,that you might be the Heart of God creating with every living breath.”

This message is about Surrender, I think. It is hard to be truly One Pointed. Active minds produce many shiny objects. If we give everything to God, he will give Everything to us. When we have serious illness, God really gets our attention!

This has been my recent journey. I hope it is helpful to you Dr Tenpenny and any others that happen to read it. Sending much healing Love to you and all on this Ascension Journey!

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Would love for the rapture. Praying it will happen soon. No more pain or stress, no more tears. Come Lord Jesus.

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I have been on a journey much like yours, lost my family, my job, my health, my purpose. I only recently realized that God just wants to be alone with me, to hold me in His arms, to let me hold Him too. As much as I thought I knew Him, I really didn’t know Him at all. Each day is becoming an adventure as He opens His word deeper than ever to me as He has me all to Himself in the wilderness.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Just sat down to my computer with my cup of coffee and received this in my email. I'm still half asleep, and your words touched my soul. It is a lesson we all need to remember/learn. I truly believe that we are in the end times, and we are called to endure until the end. We all are having to just "wait". We are having to learn to not ask "why" and trust in the MOST HIGH that his purpose is at work, for he is always in control.

I truly believe in my heart that the MOST HIGH is working thru you to teach us ALL a lesson. We are to stay in prayer, read the word, give full trust in the MOST HIGH, and WAIT. We are becoming impatient and asking "why" too much. We are getting off path and we must get back on track, stay focused looking neither left nor right. We must unplug ourselves from this world as much as possible and spend more quality time with HIM. Taking slow walks and paying attention to the trees, the grass, flowers, plants, listening to the birds, getting up early in the morning to watch the sunrise and watch the sunset. Listening to praise music. Finding the joy of the MOST HIGH and meditating on his word which heals the flesh. Proverbs 4:22, Proverbs 3:7-8

Dear sister in Christ, your followers will continue to follow and support you. You must not worry on anything at all. Give all of your concerns to Father in Heaven, even us. Totally surrender to HIM and let the concern of everything else fall on HIS shoulders. You best believe we are all staying in prayer, and we are also LISTENING to the MOST HIGH with what he uses you to touch us with.

Today, I am putting myself in check. I am LISTENING to the message I received that he sent me working thru you. Yah bless you sweet dear Sister in Christ. I am praying for your healing. I praying that the MOST HIGH blesses you with a peace that surpasses all understanding. Take this time to rest and relax. You abide under the wings of the MOST HIGH. Praise him thru the storm. Give thanks and beat the evil one like Job did. I encourage you to read the book of Job at your leisure. What this brother went through is incredible.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Devotion to God and Truth:

The devotional pathway, or the way of the Heart, is another approach spiritual students can embrace. More than just religious observance, the devotional path requires the aspirant to surrender all of the self’s proclivities to that which is greater—to the Truth of Divinity itself. His or Her way of being them becomes love: a Love for Truth and God and a willingness to let go and surrender anything blocking the experience of this love.

The ego often seems to collapse in a piece-meal fashion. Once faith in the reality of the ego as being the true self is undermined, its dissolution has already begun. When one’s loyalty and allegiance is shifted from the ego to the ultimate realty of God, a space is created. Into the opening flows God’s Grace, as represented by the Holy Spirit.

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Amazing insight. Thank you

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You’re welcome Dr. S. Tenpenny..

The ego: the imaginary doer behind thought and action; a set of entrenched habits of thought, enforced by societal consensus and unconscious repetition, creates the illusionary sense of a personal self. Understanding the ego’s nature reveals its underlying mechanisms so that we may withdraw the value we innocently projected onto it, thereby enabling spiritual progress. Aloha & Mahalo.

Science without Spirituality is lame. Spirituality without Science is blind. (A. Einstein).

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My prayers will continue for you in this healing time. I believe what is the hardest thing to do is actually giving our problems and health to God and NOT take them back to try something else.

I pray for patience for you to use and kindness on you for yourself. Please allow Him to work on your body as only He can do and relax your mind and body, not striving to “work” in His love as He cares for you!!

Many blessings and love to you for you in Jesus’s Name. Amen


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Yes God is with us every moment of every day and you will feel His presence as a soft warm blanket around your shoulders. You will feel the joy of running and the memory of pain will disappear. Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ's Birthday is tommorow September 11. wish Him a joyous birthday!!

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I am an avid reader of yours, appreciate your wisdom & strength... our Lord is so good, without “technically“knowing you I love you as a sister in Christ and pray for God to meet your needs. You are family.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Praying daily that you feel His loving arms wrapped tightly around you, lifting you, loving you, and healing you...He is your strength:)

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Continued prayers for your healing and much love! Thank you for all you bring to our lives, Dr T. 🙏❤️🙏

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I'm sorry you feel so awful. Rest. Rest. Rest.

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Sherri you have my Isaiah 42 scripture. I fractured my femur 3 months ago and just now allowed to start weight bear while God did miracles building new bone. Sherri I watch every Thursday night and so grateful for you & Dr P. Am in Zimbabwe so not easy to pay but am praying Jesus total healing & His peace at this time. Eagle you shall fly!!

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Hope in the Lord!

Isaiah 40:31

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Dr T is such a warrior in so many ways.

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