For the past 1 and 1/2 years of my life has been spent on my husbands heart failure (a birth defect), building a chicken coop, watching 4 out of 6 chickens die, learning my mother has been diagnosed with Kidney cancer, flying to MO to deal with all the stuff involved in preparing for the end of her life and being placed in a memory care facility (finally! after the hospitals shipped her across state without any of the POA being informed). I had the opportunity this weekend to spend with other women at a Women's Retreat with my church.

Our focus was Philippians 4:1-13. That has been my mantra for the past 15 years, but much more so since January 2023. I urge all of you to read that passage and STUDY it. Our speakers brought forth so many points how these passages pertain to us today. I pray our LORD Jesus Christ will strengthen us in His strength and we will focus on "Whatever is True...". He is our rock.

All of this garbage in our world does not pertain to us believers. I'm ready to sit down with a bowl of popcorn and watch God's plan unfold. Meanwhile, our job is to reach out to others and proclaim the goodness of Jesus. Stay strong in Him who created us to serve His purpose!

Love to all!

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Keep Jesus FIRST, not second or third and definitely not last in all of your thoughts, words and deeds. We are to give Him our first fruits motivated out of Love for Him.

Soon those who worship Him in Spirit & in Truth will be in our glorious forever home🙏🙏🙏

Until that time, remember to allow the joy of the Lord to be your true source of strength - Amen

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Amen, Dr. T.

Jesus led me to begin a series on the book of Daniel, "Standing Strong in a Hostile World". Our women's small group Bible study is going through an eight-week study together.

The closer we can be to our Good Shepherd, the better we'll be able to see the path He has for our journey. He's always close to us; we just need to open our eyes and spend dedicated time with Him.

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"The LORD is still at work in us and among us."

A simple good morning prayer of faith. 4/21/24

"For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." Philippians 2:13

A prayer to know "the LORD is still at work in us and among us."

Our Father, ruling and reigning in majesty, exalted high in the Heavens above, here we are standing before You, good GOD. Forgive us of all our sins and cleanse our hearts. May Your Love and kindness be our comfort, we pray.

"LORD, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us." Isaiah 26:12 NIV

LORD, keep us in Your mighty Hands, we pray. When we are suffering hardship, let it be known that You are still at work. Even though it seems hopeless, You are still working on our behalf. When the storms come upon us to threaten, remind us that You are the one who will quiet its roar and silence its fury. You will bring comfort to our souls. You will rescue us with Your peace because "You are still at work among us."

"Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield." Psalm 5:12 NIV

Thank You, LORD, yes, "You are still at work among us."

Even amid the darkest storms, we will remain confident because we know "You are still at work among us." In JESUS' mighty Name, we pray. Amen.

"For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his Love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." Zephaniah 3:17 NLT

GOD bless you all.

Psalm 27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLLGwt-wZbI&list=RD2xrV9HPE3SQ&index=34

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This is the best line of the article - "remember to call on Jesus first, not last, in all you do."

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Thank you for writing/posting this. It helped me.

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me too.

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I have a quiet time every day with God reading my bible. Tonight I want to mention that incompetent Biden will sign W.H.O. and everyone needs to take action: go online to: "sovereigntycoalition. org" to sign a declaration to withdraw from the world health organization before new arrangements are formally adopted. Just need to fill in address and click on send the Declaration before we lose our Sovereignty. This was a request from the Republican Senators. Thank you

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Thank you for responding to do our best to save our country and our freedom. Peace Dolores

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Thank you for the reminder that He is in control, not me. Oh how we try to be the rudder of our own vessel. Let Go, Let God in everything.

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"So examine your conscience, brethren; if righteousness reigns there, if you want, desire and wish the same thing for everyone as for yourself, if there is peace in you, not only with your friends but equally with your enemies, then know that the kingdom of heaven, which is to say Christ the Lord, abides in you." - Saint Caesarius of Arles (470-543)

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Thank you! God is so very great and He is always listening and wanting to help. No fancy words are needed.

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Excellent! Merci!

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Such a perfect word for these times! It certainly can feel quite hopeless if I concentrate on all the insanity in the world and lawlessness of our courts and government systems so THANK YOU for reminding us the power we have in Jesus🙏

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Thank you for writing "Abba". If Jesus used this word when addressing God", and if Jesus referred to his "father", possibly woke-ist ministers-of-the-word who want to consider the "feminine god' are ....on the wrong track....

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Thank you!

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