Very nice and don't forget, "In that I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live..."

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I have seen the hand of God at work in my own life many times. At the time, I considered myself just to be lucky that so many coincidences had saved my life so many times. In retrospect, I came to believe that God interceded to save me for some reason. I suspect He wanted me to get clean and sober and help others to follow that path.

Whatever His reason, this man who was voted “most likely to die before HS graduation” is happy to be alive and to spread His good news!

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Thank you for the encouraging post, Dr. T.

On social media, especially YouTube, I’m seeing more and more reports of many people worldwide coming to Jesus.

All glory to God!

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As I would see it all of this evil is nothing more/less than a divine invitation for the mass of humanity to return to it's Creator; or at least, within our limited , weak, frail human nature; show that we're making an attempt. That, alone, could and would thwart a lot of this wickedness as He would, as the good doctor alludes to, "move' within the framework of humanity and bring about an end to the evil. Is it that simple. In a word, YES, with God, as you well know...

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If I have to read one more time that Trump was saved by God, and Trump is now a Godly man, I'm going to vomit! All these politicians pretending to be Christians to pander for the Christian vote is despicable. All these veiled allusions to Trump being "saved" by God (read: resurrected) is what we've been warned about: imposters pretending to be of God. Putting faith and hope in politicians is ignorant foolishness of the highest order. Our faith and trust should be in Jesus Christ, period. Beware oh ye of so little faith you think a politician is going to save you. Donald Trump is not Jesus Christ, no matter how much his handlers and hangers on and foolish believers want to make it seem like he is our "savior". Beware wolves in sheep's clothing. Have people forgotten Trump gave us the COVID debacle in all its varied anti-human iterations? But now he's a new man in Christ......riiiiight.

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Have you seen/heard his new way of speaking? Watched the way he walks? I don't think that's an act. Something has changed/moved him. I"m not saying he's become a raving born-again Christian, but you can't come that close to death and not have it move you. Let's see what happens over time - and not judge.

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How he walks and how he talks? Really? It's his actions that matter and I must judge. Jesus calls those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, i.e. to judge what is being put before them. Trump's following is becoming even more cult like and desperate for a savior, and it is evil for politicians to play on Christian's faith by again, pandering to their beliefs. Just because Trump said he's here still by the grace of God ~ it's just words. Nearly everyone who has had a brush with death says that. And so creepy how many "noteworthy" people who never liked Trump, to put it mildly, are all saying the exact same thing~ how brave and bad ass Trump is. Ugh. And that convention! Sheesh! Hardly godlike! No talk about truly serving God, just more lip service. As Christians, our trust is in Jesus Christ. One cannot serve two masters and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Christ is not the master politicians serve, including Trump (even with his new walk and new talk).

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wow. Such judgement. Matthew 7:1-3

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listen, Trump isn't perfect. But is there a better candidate right now? Hillary? Michelle Obama? Kamala? Newsome? No one can save this country but God through belief in Jesus. I didn't expect such vitriol.

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Dr. T, I love you, I admire you, I thank you deeply for your valiant work. I'm not seeking to remove the splinter from anyone else's eye; I'm seeking to make sure I am not deceived, there's a difference. Go a couple lines further and you will find the passage about casting pearls before swine~do not give your faith, your heart, your mind, to posers and imposters. Dr. T, I have immense respect for you, (for decades!), your early Happy Hours (2020) were instrumental in bringing me back to Christ, and I may seem judge-y to you but you seem naive to me, with all your brains and worldly experience. Nevertheless, I'm sounding the alarm, I have a deep gut feeling about Christians being deceived. I don't have all the answers but I do know the Evil One is more cunning than we can imagine and constant vigilance and constant prayer are necessary. We are warned to be wise as serpents! Know your enemy so you can defeat him. You are in my prayers, Dr. T!! 🙏🏻❤️✝️

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thank you, Laura. I'm not saying Trump is THE answer or our country's "savior" - I am just saying that a literal near-death by bullet can't help but change you and your being. Presidents are selected, not elected. What the country needs is a soul revival of HIS people.

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Did you watch much or any of the RNC? There were quite a few that did actually promote God; Franklin Graham, Dr Ben Carson, just to name a couple, and even Donald Trump admitted that he felt God protected him. And yes, others who didn’t. But, as you’ve said, Trump or them are not our savior, Jesus Christ is! So, we can’t expect them to be perfect like Christ. No one can be! God alone knows who are truly His followers. We are to pray and ask God for His wisdom in our votes. No one will be or ever has been a perfect candidate that we can agree on every single issue. But as I said, we seek the Lord and try our best to vote for the most Biblically based candidate, in my humble opinion anyway.

And you know what, God is the one who allows the outcome. He has a plan and it will be implemented. And sometimes He uses certain people and situations to achieve His plan. Just look at the story of Joseph and how his brothers were against him, all he went through over those years, to end up in charge of the food, because of a famine. God knows what He’s doing. But, we’re still supposed to seek Him and do His will and vote, again for the closest to our biblical ideologies as possible.

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I saw Frankin Graham but not Dr. Carson. Franklin Graham's words sounded canned and hollow. He sure is not nearly the power house his father was. And if you remember, his dad got into trouble getting involved politically during Nixon's administration and it didn't end well! Politics is a brood of vipers and Billy Graham found out the hard way. As you say, we need to be practicing Christians, servants of Christ and doing all we can to live God's word. Voting....meh. As Mark Twain said, if voting did anything they wouldn't let us do it! The candidates are selected for us and to give us the illusion of choice....

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That is certainly your right to your opinion, to not vote. But, if you choose not to, it would be best (IMHO) if you then didn’t complain. Our God can and will do whatever He wants, but, He also expects us to be a part of His plan. If we want to live in “The land of the free, because of the brave”, we can’t sit idly by and do nothing. Again in my opinion. If we don’t vote, then vile people get in and make vile laws, etc. Again with the story of Joseph. He was greatly mistreated again and again, but he obeyed God. He of course didn’t like his circumstances, but he made the best of them, by being obedient. He didn’t know Gods plan, but he loved and trusted God. And look what God did in the end. I know it can be discouraging, I live in California. There’s many times we’ve gone to Sacramento to share our concern over an unjust, vile law, and they pass it anyway. But, I know I did the will of my Father trying my best (along with many others) to stand against evil, especially against children. The Bible says in Daniel 2:20-21 “Daniel answered and said:

“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
For wisdom and might are His.

And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding”.

So, I know God sees everything, I know He has a plan. I pray for our Governor and politicians that they’ll repent and come to Christ, or that God will take them out of their positions if they won’t surrender to Him. So, I’m praying to have His Wisdom and to be about His business, no matter what! Voting, being a Poll Worker, praying at my local Planned Parenthood on behalf of the unborn as well as the unsaved, etc. I’m a mother and grandmother and I want a better place for my family, after I’m gone, should the Lord tarry..

Yes things are bad and yes it looks like our vote doesn’t count…but God. God uses and has used people in His word to get His will done and people we would not expect. But He is almighty God!

If He wants things to turn around, then They Will! But we all still need to do our part.

Said humbly and in love..

He has a plan, but we are His hands and feet at times.

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100% agree with your assessment JF. We can't see the Grand Big Plan, but we can see what is in front of us.

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Yes we are here to do Gods will and be his feet and hands!! Yes!! I admire your commitment and efforts. I guess God wanted Biden to win the election in 2020 , eh? This world shall pass and worldly things will pass, but God is eternal. I put my stores up with Him. Yes God works through seemingly evil people (Saul/Paul) etc. I'm just not going to put any energy into politics because it is corrupt to the bone. Activism is good, we do have to put huge pressure on our "elected" officials to do the right thing once they get into office, absolutely! And your community is blessed to have you fighting for them. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your suggestions. God bless! 🙏🏻✝️

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If you don't vote you have no right to complain

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Actually, it's the other way around. If you vote you have no right to complain because you asked for it. I don't vote for anyone who does not stand for and emulate my core moral, spiritual and civic values. I do not vote for the "lesser of two evils" because that still leaves you with evil. So keep voting for people who betray you and lie to you and sell you down the river, and don't complain. The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

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I agree. Until he publicly repents for the warp speed "beautiful vaccines!!" he is merely using God for his own purposes. God sees and will act accordingly.

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And that's your interpretation. God judges the heart. Human judge everything else.

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Let's not forget about David! A man after God's own heart. An adulterer and a murderer to cover up his adulterous affair. He paid for that big time and still was king.

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💯 percent correct.

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I must agree with you. He is an embodiment of the many evils which one may see in the world. "The blind cannot lead the blind" - so to expect that such a man, and any who are like this, can be effective and good rulers is, to be frank, absurd.

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Thank you, Alexi Dear! I wish more people could see that! Trump is not humble, he is not self sacrificing, he's a war monger and pro abortion (you can't be "kinda" pro-life just like you can't be "kinda pregnant" and as I said, he gave us the COVID nightmare that just keeps on giving. He is NOT, not now, not ever, a true Christian.

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And the truth shall set you free!! Thanks so much for your insights!!

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Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7.

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Thank you. I heard a statement from a 12 step group "It begins with me" Father in order for us to be used by You we need to be clean vessels. We must have truth. Intimacy "Into Me You See" is what You want us with You and others, so that "we may be One and that the world will know". Help us as your believes to engage in RADICAL truth and intimacy. Amen

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Thank you 🙏 so much for your message today. I love how you always reference the Bible and inspire us. I think we have much more to look forward to and that more changes for the good are coming. ✝️. Thank you!

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"Say to those with fearful hearts,

“Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you.” Isaiah 35:4 NLT

GOD bless you all.

Open the eyes of my heart (I want to see You). Worship music.


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Well said!! The Truth of the attempted assassination will come out. In the meantime people are still saying it was staged. People hate Trump so much that they are blinded by an act of God. Thanks for the Scripture lesson!!

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I read Proverbs 6: today and reading it again from your blog. This is God's way of saying..."Pay attention". And yes, I agree with Kitty, we must ALWAYS walk in His ways and keep His commandments, His statutes and His judgements [which is happening as we speak], that you may live...

On another note, I also watched Tucker's interview with John Rich. I'm not so sure about his mid-millennial thought based on scripture. But, it's not a salvation issue. Therefore, I won't dig into that one.

When will you be on Tucker? I think getting him to interview you would open many more eyes to the whole "Vx" issue as well as our relationship with the LORD. Tucker is wanting to learn more about spiritual warfare as well. Have you thought about it?

Just curious and hoping you consider it.

God speed in all you do and may He guide you in His path of righteousness for HIs name's sake (Psalm 23).

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I am so saddened to read this today. Why did you have to bring in a political lens?

Have you considered that maybe God saved Trump’s life to bring about the dire consequences and situation of gun possession and violence that is out of control in America? There is irony of this attempt and Trump’s support of gun ownership and the millions of dollars paid by gun manufacturers towards his election campaign. Why would Trump be saved and a Christian man and innocent people killed and injured? You state the purpose of your post is about what God hates and yet your post is an example of what you are apparently writing about. You are speculating and using a worldwide platform to communicate your speculations which have the potential to be lies.

I’m saddened and I will have to unsubscribe now.

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"There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers."

AKA every politician that ever existed. Now is the time to hold both sides to task for the covid me-too freakout and mass murder that continues to this day. NEVER LET THEM GET AWAY WITH WHAT THEY HAVE DONE.

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Trump speaking to Boris Johnson & you talk about truth. Give it a rest, that is laughable.

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That wasn't the point.... I was saying he's already stepped into the leadership role.

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You are entitled to stand your ground Sherri but I'm not passing judgement on this fellow, just stating the facts. Trump failed ( or did he?) badly on a number of issues & has not & will not square the ledger. The VP pick is the real one to worry about. I'm not cutting slack to someone who is directly responsible for the continuing catastrophe. The buck stops here, anyone? It's very interesting how many people within the "freedom movement" appear to want to forgive & forget.

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I don’t agree that Trump”s cases are falling apart. You fail to see his criminality which is the truth if you like truth. God hates corrupt judges and we have them at every level of our judiciary. So watch God cleanse the court. Yes the dems are in disarray but the independent Candidate, RFK Jr. will be president for people do not want a dictator for president. We deserve to have righteous rulers over us and serving a Holy God, we should expect no less from his help. Amen.

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