I hope each day your healing.. I love all that you wrote about Eric M and what Bonhoeffer wrote that is so true about "silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless." Many people don't realize to do nothing is doing something! Thank you again for all you continue to do for humanity. Take care of you and get well.

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Dear Dr T, please forgive my posting so often today, though, I hope to have an encouraging message to add to your Substack. Back in 1993, in Alaska, a woman invited me for dinner at her place. I accepted and had a good time talking and enjoying the meal. That night/early the next morning, woke up in intense pain. The woman had fed me mushrooms and they were poisonous mushrooms. I knew a great deal about mushrooms as I foraged for food in the woods. It takes six hours or so for the poison to take effect. And when I woke up in the middle of the night, knew what had happened. After a certain amount of time, knew I was very close to going home. I didn’t have any fear and I was talking to the Lord, I was going home. When two words came into my mind, “Forgive her.” I did and instantly I was healed, restored completely. And what a lesson that was. We are to forgive and when we forgive we are not held by any negative emotion. Told you a bit of my adventures walking with the Lord. The only reason I’m here is because of God saving me every time in the most amazing way. I’m a normal Christian. There is absolutely nothing special about me other then my trust in God and Christ and love to go on adventures with Him.

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Love this! Exactly how I feel We must stand up for Gods righteous standards even if most don’t agree Of course we still show love to people of differing opinions but we should never compromise our faith!! Gods laws are supreme and they mean life! We all have free will and therefore can choose to serve God or not! We do not embrace sin!! We do not need to argue with people who accept sin and want to change Gods laws to suit their lifestyles. It’s a fine line to walk as a Christian I am shocked at the church leaders who remained quiet during the covid plandemic and even encouraged their flocks to go along. The congregation I was attending at that time encouraged all to take the shots out of love for neighbor I left my faith at that time as I could not follow along with this thinking There are way too many scriptures that say our body is sacred to God and we should not put anything into our body that could harm it. This was clearly new technology and experimental. Shutting down churches while allowing many other activities to remain should have sparked outrage but instead way too many went along with with the nonsense. The insanity that occurred during the last 4 years is unforgivable. Religious leaders failed to protect their flocks.

I don’t know that I will ever follow a religious organization again.

My love for YHWH will remain forever and my love for His son Jesus is also eternal!

May God bless you Dr Tenpenney and care for you during this difficult time.

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Yes, Dr T, at times, I can be a very intense person. I’ve lived an intense life at play and work place. For decades, have lived in a place, ( love this place of such beauty) when I walk out in the woods of Alaska, have to remember to look behind me as very large creatures can sneak up on a person. When I was a young boy, my dad taught me how to read tracks in the woods. One day, as we walked through a grove of tall trees, I was looking at the ground for tracks. My dad turned around and as he looked at me, said, “ Brian, don’t look at the ground all the time, look forward and up into the trees. You’re missing 90 percent of what is out here.” My dad was never fearful in the woods and taught me to be the same way. To enjoy and love what God has created. But be aware. That lesson, look around and up’ has stayed with me my whole life and not just in a forest setting. It has saved me many times. Where I live, there’s great danger of not only a persons soul but of life from those who hate, passionately, Christians. I’ve been poisoned, car set to blow up as I went down the road, bullet by my head, knife pulled and much more over 7 decades of life. All for talking about Jesus and how He gave His life for us, in a very gentle manner. And I still like to laugh; love when a person has a soft, kind, sense of humor. Life is much too short with out a sense of humor. Praying with the many thousands of prayers for your quick recovery.

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God has called me to get more involved as a relatively new member of a church with a dwindling membership. Still, He isn’t letting me get too comfortable with simply taking on volunteer opportunities within the church. I’m more of a doer and less of a talker; however, God has put before me the urgency of speaking to a couple whose daughter took a fast-track course on how to administer the so-called “vaccine” at the pharmacy where she works. With the exception of that course, their daughter is not medically trained, and is probably just following orders without question. She and her proud parents no doubt believe this is a blessing to them and to the community. Your post today convinced me that I can’t wait for someone else to speak to this couple.

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Amen to that! You may want to read his entire book - and maybe Bonhoeffer too!

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Any practice that is sacrificial. I read about Jesus and the Essenes. The rituals were changed. Just my view and explosive realization that I have been taught and believed what was taught, but it all has an agenda. I love Jesus! I love God!

Don’t get me wrong! The manipulations of our world have been everywhere and I chose to deep dive truth! It has been very hard to transition away from religion!

BTW, I have absolute the highest respect for you and your journey! You are in my prayers! 💕

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thank you

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It has taken me this long to respond, for your article really touched a nerve about what has been going on (or not) in our churches, for I have been hurting for my faith for a long time.. This article was an answer to prayer. Let me explain,

I attended a small group meeting Wednesday night before and I came out righteously angry and frustrated. I was not frustrated with the pastor as much as with the individuals in the group. My husband and I have begun attending this church Nov, 2022. Then, he had his heart crisis. We continued to watch online. We love our pastor's teachings and decided to go in person in August.

The small group I started attending regularly are full of what I would call clueless people of what is going on in our world. I brought up some valid points about how us Christians made it possible for the growth of special interest groups and increased crime. We have sat back and said nothing - for fear of causing hurt feelings.

Next Sunday I mentioned to the pastor after service I almost did not come at all. I also mentioned I'm not sure if I will attend next Wednesday group. He was concerned and wanted to talk. I said "Not now, but later we will." Then I came home and saw you posted this article. I immediately copy/pasted it and added some highlights to key points and listed my sources (many like you and some in your world.) I had intentions of showing your article to my pastor. The following Wednesday I did not attend group. I was still emotionally weak.

Then Sunday arrived with my printed letter in hand ready to show it to him. Which I did. He was concerned, attentive (all eyes on me during the conversation - which I see as highly unusual) and I found out he is on the same page as me and he said "I am in the right church. Our core are fighters and we will not close our doors again." This gave me comfort. I have not spoken to him since last Sunday and he will not be in church this coming Sunday.

I am sharing this story with you, so you know what an impact this article made on me. I hope he will read your article and my following comments to see how serious Satan is and how close to our doors he is. I also pulled out our book "Bonhoffer" by Eric M which I have not read yet (see...you're not the only one with unread books)

Keep doing what you are doing and be the light of Truth in this dark world. I am still praying for your continual recovery and glad you are waiting on Him who heals and provides.

Your Sister in Christ,


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I have felt the spiritual whip a number of times in a church without leadership in Christ. My stripes are not visible as on the back of Jesus, but the hammer of words against the mind is still weighty. Years ago, wrote an article titled, “Power Of the Pulpit”. I’ll make it short with key points of what’s in the article. “ Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God.” Matt 22:16-22. “I’m going to touch on a sensitive subject. Money and the church....Has 501c3 broken the power of the pulpit? During the American Revolution, pastors stood behind the pulpit and roused the congregation for liberty. During the Civil War, pastors were again behind the pulpit to stop the evil of slavery. Today, if a pastor has the courage to speak out against the evil of certain men and women in governmental office, that church can lose its right to 501c3. All the money in the world is the Lord’s. He created everything and every time a nugget of gold is dug out of the ground, it came from Him. Yet, the church system in our country, in its fear (?) that our Lord couldn’t provide, allowed a government to come up with a plan; no taxes for ‘religious’ purposes.” Oh my goodness, where we are today when we have kicked God, Christ and His Word out so it won’t offend delicate ears in the church? Our get along has been become a monstrous trap as you’ve told us, Dr T with your words in this article. I’m reminded of the comparison of the Roman Coliseum and the fanaticism of the crowds in our football stadiums today. Christians were martyred long ago and will mankind, again, embrace today what happened so long ago? It’s not far-fetched when present day Christians are called the worse of the worse by those who hate us. If we refuse to stand up now, we could be herded into a stadium to the delight a crowd long lost with compassion and morale dignity. Come Lord Jesus, come!

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as always, thanks for your comments, Brian. I wrote this as an inspiration to speak up. Maybe it didn't come up that way. Not many comments on this post like I've had in the past.

I don't know where our inspiration for the future is coming from these days.

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Build our Faith!

"May the Holy Spirit give us the bravery and courage to follow through on Your calling on our lives." Sherri. . .


1 Samuel 17:41-44 NLT "Goliath walked out toward David with his shield bearer ahead of him, sneering in contempt at this ruddy-faced boy. "Am I a dog," he roared at David, "that you come at me with a stick?" And he cursed David by the names of his gods. "Come over here, and I'll give your flesh to the birds and wild animals!" Goliath yelled."

Build our Faith!

Can we hear Him now. . . "Goliath, Goliath, listen to Me? You have a shield-bearer, Sword, Spear, and Javelin. Do these weapons enable you to fight Me? Do they make you feel Mighty? Has your Enormous stature made you believe that you are a hero? Goliath, you speak only as one who is a fool. Your blind arrogance has made you this way, and because of this, you mock Me and are proud. Can your gods really help you now?

"The faithless gods of Goliath"

"They have mouths but cannot speak,

and eyes but cannot see.

They have ears but cannot hear,

and noses but cannot smell.

They have hands but cannot feel,

and feet but cannot walk,

and throats but cannot make a sound.

And those who make idols are just like them,

as are all who trust in them." Psalm 115:5-8 NLT


1 Samuel 17:45-47 NLT "David replied to the Philistine, "You come to me with Sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the Name of the LORD of Heaven's Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today, the LORD will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will know that the LORD rescues his people, but not with Sword and spear. This is the LORD's battle, and he will give you to us!"

Build our Faith!

David, My servant, David, your faith has taken away the fear of his weapons, Enormous stature, and Mighty strength? Your faith has made all his words useless. How he yells, arrogant laughter and curses by the names of his gods haven't changed anything because you still believe in Me.

"Our faithful Almighty GOD"

The LORD is a great GOD,

a great King above all gods. He holds the depths of the earth

and the mightiest mountains in His Hands.

The sea belongs to Him, for He made it.

His hands formed the dry land, too.

Come, let us worship and bow down.

Let us kneel before the LORD our maker,

for He is our GOD.

We are the people He watches over,

the flock under His care." Psalm 95 3:7 NLT

"For the word of the LORD is right and true; He is faithful in all He does." Psalm 33:4 NIV

Build our Faith!

Let us pray. . . Dear "ABBA" Father in heaven above. We are Your people. We are the ones You love. We ask You now to strengthen us, build our faith in these last days, and give us the simple faith that David had. He didn't look at his circumstances, but he kept his eyes only on You, on Your faithful promises. Remind us of that daily, we ask. Remind us of Your faithfulness that promised to hold us all tightly in Your Hands forever, never to let us go. Thank You, LORD, Thank You!

Build our Faith!

"For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow." James 1:3 NLT


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Amen! I love my church but they don't speak of the evil in plain sight. Have already lost family, friends and a job due to convid. Will figure out a way to spark something at church. Maybe give my pastor a copy of Metaxas book.

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This encapsulates the book and Dr. TENPENNY's substack today. Sent the link to a pastor I'm trying out 5 -6 weeks ago but didn't hear back.


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Thank you! Will try that myself

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Mahalo Dr. Tenpenny, and Mary Barrett for your kind Words.

“The less you “are” and the less you express the Spirit of your Soul, the accumulation of wealth reduces all of Humanity to crass, conspicuous consumers…"

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True and/or lost souls who can always repent.

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Just what I need to hear. My path is not clear yet, but maybe I am on it and don’t realize how important intention is and how powerful our willingness to be God’s loving heart in the world is.

Several years ago, my meditation teacher told me we should have no preferences. That seemed outrageous to me at that time. Now, I think I understand. Just being in surrender to what is is enough. Trusting that Love is the only reality even when it does not seem to be the case, is our path at this time. All is well!

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I had no idea Jesus turned over tables. And it's strange how churches fell into the narrative the way they did. I liked reading this as it was energizing. I know what I have to do and it's going to take energy, but considering deliberately being bold with it is additionally energizing. 🌷

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After reading again "What Wall To Push" I wanted to say the article is "right on" and regretfully some churches that remain silent state they are "submitting" to Romans 13:1-5 NIV. When I protested to the church I attended (online) about their silence Romans 13:1-5 was read to reinforce it would be sinful to rebel against the authority that God instituted. Thus the submission to masks, mandates and I believe most members got the shots and since then many have developed cancer in one way or another. They listened to a Board of Health member so my attempts to provide truth were totally ignored. So hurtful to know the truth and some just can't fathom it at all.

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I understand and have studied the Bible thoroughly over many years. Two year class on Revelation alone. One year on Isaiah.

I have studied gnostic gospels (Thomas and Enoch) and the Council of Nicea.

I have found my truth as you yours.

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I read that book last November. For this normally quiet person it’s really a stretch to speak up, but I’m trying.

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