You are our present day “Joan of Arc”! Thank you for accepting God’s Will and Plan in your life.

Your sister in Christ. Mary Ann

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Never climbed that day

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Many times in my walk with the Lord over the past thirty plus years, He has spoken to me in a whisper or a shout! “Don’t Pass!” “Don’t leave your knife.” Don’t tear the leave.” “If you go back there, You’ll never leave.” “GO HOME, NOW!” Are a few examples of God saving my life. There’s also been times when I disregarded His still small voice and ended up learning a lesson the hard way.

In prayer for my life, asked for two men to be on top of Mt Liberty to save my life on a solo ice climb in Feb of 91. When I reached the top of Mt Liberty, had given my second and third wind and was in advanced hypothermia. As I came around the last turn on the trail, two men stood there watching the sunset. We spoke, I asked for some water. Then the two ‘men’ walked with me for a half mile down the side of the mountain. They walked off the trail to go to their camp. But there was no foot prints in the snow coming from their camp. When they left me, realized I was fully restored, it was like I’d climbed that day. I was amazed and full of joy and ran three miles down the side of Mt Liberty, shouting praises to God. Luke 1:37 was burned into my mind from that day forward. Lord bless you. You and your ministry are in prayers every day.

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What a beautiful story! thank you for sharing... and thank you for your daily prayers. God Bless!

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You have been such an inspiration to me, when I discovered you in my search for how to medically treat myself and my family, should we get sick with covid/flu/cold. My knowledge couldn’t stop my youngest adult daughter from listening to the cdc/nih and theater friends, which I have grieved. I just gave her the same vit/supplements recommended and pray for the best. This article meant a lot to me as I’m trying to figure out what the Lord wants me to do in this battle. God bless you.

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Thanks ✝️. I like your message and am so happy to learn about your latest endeavor! I think it will fill a great need right now 🇱🇷 I keep thinking things will be turning around soon and get better, and if others like you could do the same, I am sure things will get better. You are an inspiration. ❤️

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