God uses us in times and places that we don't even know about, that we can't fathom and to those whom we don't know. I have just read your words and they have touched me today. My heart is aching for my family. I am a Pastor's wife who has spent the last 40 years , every weekend, sitting in the pews; I can never go and visit my family out of town because we don't have the time, we never ever have weekends; I nearly walked out of church this morning as tears were flowing and my heart was aching. God kept me there, then I came home and read this. You are in His arms Sherry I'm sure. You've been battered and beaten for the past 3 years at least, speaking the truth. This human body can only take so much before it goes into survival mode, and I think that is where yours is right now. You know the truth and the truth has set you free... you are His and He will never leave you. Take a break, take some time off and rest; I know that's not easy, but your body is telling you to for the sake of your earthly health. May God bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. In Jesus name I send my love and prayers.

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Your insights are always so timely and true, Dr. Tenpenny. I have covered you in prayer many times and will continue to do so.

I have come into a new relationship with prayer over these past 3 years. One which I wish I had learned much sooner. I have learned what it means to “pray without ceasing” and it has truly been my lifeline.

My physical, mental, and emotional health have all taken massive hits these past 3 years. There are so many wars raging in front of us it can be completely overwhelming.

I have a daughter with profound special needs and medical complexities who requires 100% full care and often toes the line between life and death. Two other young children whom I treasure, but have the constant awareness of the incredibly dark world in which they are growing up. And very few in my close circle which I can talk openly about the realities going on around us. It has been very isolating and often feels like a suspended state of “waiting for the other shoe to drop”.

I daily fight the FEAR, as I know that is where the devil lies in wait.

Praise God the Holy Spirit can understand our groans, because often I can’t even formulate the thoughts and words. My gratitude for the ultimate victory of eternal life has never been deeper, and I find my moments of peace directly tie to my times of deepest prayer.

I remind myself that God is good and God is faithful. That he loves us in a way we cannot even comprehend.

Reading these articles and comments reminds me I am not alone, and that there is a deep body of believers all around the world petitioning as well. It encourages me and strengthens my soul.

May God continue to bless and protect you as you take so many arrows on behalf of the kingdom. I look forward to meeting you in Heaven (if not before in our earthly bodies), and thanking you for your dedication and sacrifice in serving the one true God. 🤍🙏🏼🤍

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Bless you dear Natalie Joy. I hope there is someone with you, to hold you when you need some earthly comfort.

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Deep breathing in and holding , pushes the diaphragm up, squeezes the heart muscle and then release relaxes the diaphragm and allows increase blood flow . Do this while doing vagus nerve exercises to improve the parasympathetics is helpful as well as relaxing. Cranial / Sacral techniques are also helpful. Remember our osteopathic roots !

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You are so very special and kind to share your incredible insight with us. We love, admire and greatly respect you Dr Tenpenny. Healing hugs and mighty blessings to you.

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Thank you Doctor, I needed that. I'm not worthy of our father's acknowledgment. But I do pray for gratefulness and gratitude for all I have. A roof over my head, a job, good health far as I know. A great wonderful daughter. A brother and sister-in-law. All the things money can't buy. Thank you all and God bless you all.

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Thank you for this, I needed it. Ive been having a hard time understanding that my daughter has changed since taking the jabs, she has distanced herself from me and I don't know why. I pray for guidance and protection everyday, I also thank Him for my blessings.

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When I get stuck, I go to being Thankful for everything. This works. Thanks for the reminders,

God Bless your recovery ❤️‍🩹 in Christ name I ask

That your improvements continue!

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P.S. In my comment to you, Sherri, used the words, ‘great economy’. Felt, I needed to explain a bit for we have this amazing book from the Lord full of instruction for us. Acts 8:16 is the only verse where we are told there are two baptisms, one in water and one in Spirit for the Gifts of God. Mark 16:17, those who follow Christ will cast out demons. Those are very short verses full of the authority we have in Christ. Our authority is absolutely amazing in its depth. The Apostle Paul spoke to Bar Jesus and Bar Jesus lost his sight ‘for a season’. The Apostle Peter in Acts 5 spoke words and two people dropped dead because they had lied to the Holy Spirit. We don’t speak words of death but life. Though, we have the same Spirit living within us as the Apostles and prophets of old. Healing, miracles and so much more. We can walk with angels and there was a time when I did on top of Mt Liberty, through prayer, they were waiting for me so I wouldn’t die on a solo ice climb. We can be full of Joy in Christ. For nothing and no one can take us away before our time to be with the Father and Jesus our Lord.

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“ As we forgive” The Lord’s Prayer. Many thousands of times, I’ve uttered that prayer. Though, did I truly understand the depth of those words? God/ Christ uses great economy in His Word for us. Simplicity is God’s use of language for those whom He has created. “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” AS is the key word. As we forgive, we will be forgiven. “How rich, how wide is our forgiveness? Corrie ten Boom, wrote in Tramp for the Lord; past grievances would pop up in her mind for those who have hurt her in the past. It was an irritant to Corrie, “I’ve forgiven them and why do these thoughts keep coming back to me? Though, have I really forgiven that person?” We all wrestle with the same conflicts. Because we have three thought directions, God’s thoughts to us, our thoughts and the attack thoughts of the enemy. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. Casting down all thoughts that don’t line up with Christ. Oh boy, so easy to write, yet so needed in my life. As we forgive, should be our focus and will be our victory when we come before the Father in prayer. When we forgive, we have peace of mind and when we have peace of mind, we have peace with God. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Lord bless you my Dear Sister, Sherri.

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Perfect timing. I love how beautifully this fits with where I am. Thank toy Dr. Ten penny. Your faith is beautiful. God Bless You 🙏🏼🤍🕊️

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Dr T,

I visit many houses in my private duty nursing care. Some of them are recovering from neurological injuries, some are recovering from broken bones or surgeries.

The majority of those patients are frustrated with what they perceive to be a slow recovery.

Their eyes fill with tears as they tell me about how they hate to ask their family or friends to help them with their activities of daily living or to drive them to therapy appointments.

Then I talk with the family or friends caring for them.

Their eyes fill with tears when they tell me how grateful to God they are that their parent, spouse, sister, child etc… it still alive and how much they love them and how proud they are to be there for them and how well they are doing on their recovery path.

My point is: know you are loved and cherished. Grateful isn’t a strong enough word for how happy we all are you are still here on earth. I know how hard this is, I witness it everyday. But, you can do this.

Remember, in Luke 12:7 “even the very hairs on your head are all numbered”. God will never forget you.

So… keep on praying words of thanks to Him and working hard and we will keep on being grateful that you are here!!!

xo Jennifer

Philippians 4:6 & 7 NKJV

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

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thank you, my friend, for you inspiring and thoughtful words. That was helpful to me today.

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Bless you Dr. Tenpenny. May the Lord heal and strengthen you more every day 🙏

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Thank you for all your wonderful work and thank you so much for sharing this Dr. Tenpenny. We all need to be prayer warriors for our Christ Jesus. I will share this on all my social media platforms. God Bless you my friend.

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He has been slowly pulling (as he has shown it and made it felt) all the venomous tar from my soul. He once taught me the prayer of practicing the presence of God; He is using that lesson now to have me meditate of the breastplate of righteousness (His righteousness). It is a hard lesson, learning to rest rather than strive. Only constant "silent" prayer helps me do that. Praise the LORD.

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God blesses you Sherry Tenpenny; I know it, because you are a blessing to us. Time is on your side. I know you will use it getting well from this health crisis. You are in my prayers.

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I am thankful for what you are inspired to put out there for all of us to read as you deal with your own recovery. I pray His perfect timing will be evident on the day you fully recover. I appreciate and admire your strength in this difficult time. You are the epitome of what it means to rely on God. Keep up the good work and may God bless you abundantly as you heal.

You are truly an inspiration. Thank you my Sister in Christ.

One more thing...don't rush your healing. Let Him heal you in His timing.

Love and hugs, Rennae

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