Perfect. Just perfect. Exactly what I needed this morning. God bless you, Dr T, for your strength, courage and tenacity. You continue to inspire us!

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Thank you Dr. T. I struggle everyday with asking God why I am still here? Your words are the much needed encouragement for all of us to continue the fight! God Bless you always....🙏💗🙏

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I pray every day, "Lord, make it BIG or take me home." I have to trust that His plan of "big" is different than mine! You're here because you're needed. Seek...and you will find. :)

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Thank you it's just what I needed this morning. I have seen so many stories lately about babies dying, toddlers dying and so on, it breaks my heart. I talk to God allot these days and I ask Him what do I do to help, I try to lead others to Him and tell them, we must pick a side, good or evil. I know with the Lord by our side we can accomplish anything, but I must say, this road is hard and I'm not young anymore but I still do what I can to save lives by spreading the truth about the bioweapon shots. I just watched a video yesterday about big Pharma people who are paying poor families $1000.00 to bring their babies to them to get the shots, I was appalled. I can't believe this is still going on today, the deaths are going to be immense, those poor parents think they're helping their babies but they're killing them. We need God more than ever now, we just have to convince more people He is the way and the answer. Sorry for the long comment but Im sitting here on Sunday at 6:55 am listening to the silence outside and happy your post came thru. God Bless you!!

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All we can do is what we do. God knows. God sees. God smiles. Stay the course...

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Oh no! I didn’t see that article! They are literally paying ppl to bring their children to the slaughter. May God have mercy on the children.❤️ I’ve spread the truth of the jabs & every article I can find with facts about these evil ones & I have spread pics I’ve taken with Bible verses typed in over the pics. I pray Jesus will touch someone with His verses & wake ppl up with the truths. Bless all of you who are part of His army! no matter how small you think what you are doing is, as long as it’s in His name & with love, it’s a lot! Together, in His name & His blessings, we are stronger!

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they've been paying parents to poison their children for decades. It's not new. But NOW, with the covid shots, the deaths will be sooner and more obvious. Remember Luke 17:2 -

“It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble."

Jesus was talking about causing a little one to sin; I believe He would say the same about the doctors, nurses, government officials, and drug reps who are poisoning and KILLING humans, especially babies, infants and children.

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The gates of Hell are wide open and welcoming. It would appear that a great many are going to accept the invitation.

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I hadn't applied those verses to this situation! Thank you.

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Thank you for the encouraging words today Dr. T! I keep praying for insight or guidance on my purpose in this war. At this point I’m not sure I’m fulfilling God’s purpose for me. I spent the first 50+ years of my life basically ignoring God but now I’m ready to get in the game. I continue to learn the truth and his word, try to stay in the love vibration, and shine light where I can. I intend to do good each day, I stay grateful, but feel like I could or should be doing more to help humanity. Maybe I’m on the bench or on deck waiting for “the coach” to put me in the game? 🤔 Maybe I’m just not a good listener? Truth, love, and light to all, have a blessed day. 🙏🏻♥️🕊️

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We all need practice in hearing his Voice. Sometimes we need to talk less and lesson for His voice more.... He's there for you!

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Ephesians 2:10

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

So Doug, God has created good works FOR you, so you could walk in them! We were not created for good works to get done. He created good works for US! God doesn’t need us to get His Will done. He COULD do it alone, but he chose to include His people, give us a part, and invited us to participate in His Kingdom.

I encourage you to read Ephesians chapters 3, 4, and 5 to understand more. They are pretty short chapters and you can get so much out of 5 minutes reading the scriptures! May the Lord direct your steps today!

Isaiah 30:21

Your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

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Thank you! I appreciate the insight and encouragement.

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As Bruce Willis said in “Die Hard”...Welcome to the party, pal! ✝️💜💥

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It is actually an exciting time to be alive and be able to witness, understand, and take part in this battle. It is much more evident than during our parents generation. The ugliness and evil can't stay as hidden as back then. I know my part and seek His help every day to accomplish it.

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Thank you as always. I just wanted to say how I always appreciate your words very much...and how I look forward to the prayer...which is just perfect each time.

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Thank you for your kind words, Motoko - it's just one more arm of the Lord's work I try to do faithfully to encourage others. :)

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I am still in God's waiting room…but this is very very encouraging. I know He will have the right assignment for me.

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Thank you for being an inspiring leader through dark times, many are so oblivious as to what is going on... My greatest hope is the awakening grows and grows quickly

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Excellent Dr T. Thank you.

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Thank you Dr T. You are a soldier for Christ and I support your efforts for truth among several others who are rising in faith.

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Amen and Amen!! Praise God!!! Jesus Christ is Lord!!! Here we are, Lord, use us, in Jesus' Mighty Name, we pray, Amen!!! 🙏🙌❤️

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I've been struggling with doing just this. I won't bore anyone with the details but my inclination is to "go away, just die, give up, it's easier". I don't because personally I believe that where we give up is where we come back in, our lessons don't go away. My spiritual Path teaches that we are here to learn as we make our way back to God. So, this - today - is a biggie for me. Thanks Dr. Tenpenny, I might (I would actually) like to write you about something but know you are busy. Is this possible? God bless everyone on here that is trying to live the life. I too believe our time is short but not in the way the evil ones intend. ;)

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You are in the game Doug! Here’s what He tells us through Jeremiah, chapter 29:

11For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

So He is working His good plans for you! The scripture tells us He never sleeps nor slumbers. We know that “in this life we will have tribulation”, but that the Lord will use ALL of it for “the good of those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose.” That means you!

John 10:27 tells us:

My sheep listen to My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;

He is speaking to you, and you can hear Him. Keep spending time with Him, get to know Him, and His voice will become more and more familiar to you, just like a beloved friend or loved one. Talk to Him. Listen with your heart (mind, will, and emotions). He will instruct you and lead you. And it will always line up with scripture. The Lord will never lead you in a way that conflicts with the truths of scripture.

You can do it Doug! I’ll be praying for you!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏🏼💗🙏🏼

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Thank you Rosie! I appreciate your encouragement and tutelage!

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Amen and thank you for capitalizing God’s precious pronouns.

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Praise his holy name Jesus !

Jesus I love you Jesus I trust you for everything. God is Holy Almighty and Everlasting . God keep his promises . God bless you and may the words of Jesus be folded in the pages of our hearts . Peace be with you 💕

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