'Smooth seas never made a skilled Sailor'

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Feb 16Edited

Several years ago, my whole life as I knew it was turned upside down. I was sad, sometimes angry, had bouts of depression and was periodically frustrated, but I still held onto my faith. Now, I am in the place I know God means for me to be, even though it took a few years to realize that. Proverbs 3:5-6 (which you quoted) is so true for all of life, as many times what God is doing in our lives is beyond our understanding ... at the time. However, He makes all things clear, which leads to your second quote of Romans 8:28. I feel closer to God and Jesus, have become a member of a church which I feel fits me like a glove spiritually and have an inner peace that is not so easily stolen by the evil one. In tough times, praise the Lord and rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus ... for at that he must flee and your peace will remain undisturbed. Blessings to you, Dr. Tenpenny. 💞 🙏🏻

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Even though none of us like pain or hardship, I have found tremendous growth happened as a result of crying out to God and leaning on His promises during tough times.

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I am left speechless, today I was feeling just about every emotion as the times of my life have not been exactly where I would like them to be. These have been sometimes discouraging and heart rendering times. It has caused me to look inward and many times struggle to find any light. I have said before Sherri, you have a way of reaching me in your writings that, remind me of my short comings. Knowing God is not distant, but here with me, gives me strength. We all face different hardships along the way, and many times we let those overshadow the victories. So I am reminded to rejoice in God's presence. Thank You so much!

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How much I needed this lesson/reminder today! Thank you! God bless!

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Thank you for committing your time and energy to be providing these things to us. God bless all that you do.

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Well this is just what I needed to read as I wait for my husband to go into a care facility so I can get some much needed respite! My strong home-run hitting husband, a big time hunter and outdoorsman, was thrown from a lift on the job six years ago and is now a quadriplegic. To say our life has changed would be a major understatement. I wouldn’t have survived without God, my family, kids, and church! Thanks for the encouragement. Romans 8:28 💝

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"Godly Wisdom comes at a cost."

"Remember, the darker the night, the brighter the stars, and the deeper the grief, the closer God is to you." Sherri

Godly wisdom: a rightful fear of the LORD, a deeper understanding of things, applied knowledge, an increased level of discernment, a gift freely given from GOD that is worth asking for every day, a cherished blessing from above, a costly possession, worth more than gold or silver.

"The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief. To increase knowledge only increases sorrow." Ecclesiastes 1:18 NLT

Dear Sherri, this letter is overflowing with Godly wisdom and has brought to attention that there is a cost to obtaining wisdom, but it's worth is more valuable than gold or silver. It is not like the world's smarts but something much more profound and precious to have. This wisdom discerns not just the superficial and temporal but reaches beyond where the bigger picture starts coming into view. This wisdom comes from above. It comes with a cost but has a purpose.

"So, make up your mind not to worry beforehand how to defend yourselves. For I will give you speech and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict." Luke 21:14-15 BSB

A simple good morning prayer of faith 2/17/25

Dear Father in Heaven, help us understand the bigger picture. We ask for a heart of wisdom this day, knowing it comes at a great cost but is more precious than gold or silver. Help us to understand its value, LORD, and how to rightfully apply this wisdom and use it to help others, doing those things that will honor You, humble affords of gratitude. In Jesus' mighty Name, we pray. Amen

GOD bless you all!

The Blessing | Maranatha! Music


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Father speaks.. that many are the afflictions ( the trials, sufferings, persecution, tests.. ) of his righteous ones.. but it is God who will deliver us out of them all, and it will be in His perfect time.. not in ours.. so we must choose to wait upon him as he continues to mold and purify our lives, the testing of our faith and building our resolve to following him closely as we witness his work that strengthens our character; and though at times we may become weary, or greatly shaken, we will not utterly fall apart.. for even when we are in the midst of and can't control the storms which continuously bombard our lives.. we take a pause and see the need to relinquish our hold, the need to stand firm and endure to the end, trusting our God to hold us securely with his hand for a sure and everlasting future.

Selah my beloved friend..

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I needed to read that 🙏❤️

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My friend wanted to live to be 100 years old. 16 February 2025, he passed at home. He was in the hospital for 24 days and was 90 years old and didn't want to bother with his ageism; strange he could have been home 16 days earlier. Thank you for your wise words of God; they brought comfort, Thank you, Dr. T. Vernon D. Haynes served for Lord for many years and was a 4th degree Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus.

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On a different subject, someone I believe to be impersonating you just followed my SubStack. Her name is spelled like yours except for a missing “n” in Tenpenny, I thought you might want to know. https://drsherritenpeny.substack.com/

If it’s yours and the misspelling was intentional, let me know and I’ll follow that account back.

Regards, Andy

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