Those that walk opposite, have no god, no morality, no values. This is not something that is fractional, you either have it or you do not. My comment was to your title.

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Love this! Thank you!!!

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Beautiful message. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes we need to be reminded of what we already know. This was the perfect delivery.

BTW everyone- you can screen shot the 1-10 and also the prayer on iphone and each comes out perfect fit for sharing with friends and family (2 images, easy to text)

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thank you for your kind words ...and for sharing. Only by following God's rules and guidance can we change the course of the future

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AMEN. I wish your writings good be shared on social media to reach MORE sheep. I live in the south in a very conservative state however few have awakened to see TRUTH. I agree our pastors are not doing their spiritual jobs most don’t want to deal with the backlash. Just read a great book “A Letter to the American Church”… EM God has truly gifted you as a writer. Merry CHRISTmas.

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Shelia - we do share these on social media! and you can share them too! At the bottom of each article is an arrow to forward. A window pops up and you can copy the link to share! Please do! I love to write.... it's like painting or spinning pottery to me - relaxing and creative. God Bless!

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Amen and Amen!! God bless you, Dr. Tenpenny, and thank you for all that you do!!

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Glad you mentioned Ephesians 6:10-20, Dr. T. It's important to put on God's full armor every day.

There are many great Bible studies, but one I appreciate the most is "The Armor of God" by Priscilla Shirer (one of the two daughters of Dr. Tony Evans). Videos from Connect Church here:

Gallery of All Videos


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Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments so far today!

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Thank you Dr. T. Again, I have to share something from your writings. I love it! I've been reading Giants: Sons of God and this passage is read with a new set of eyes! Thank you for this reading as well as your sharing the books you are reading in your conversations with Dr P. You have inspired me to do the same. I would love to have more discussions on the Goliath's in our lives. God is totally bigger than any Goliath!

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Thank you Dr. T. Sometimes I feel so small. But that is irrelevant when I can pray to almighty God.

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From one osteopath to another !! Cheers and God bless 😘🤗

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Thank you Dr Tenpenny. I loved the message here today ❤️. The size of our enemies is not important, because no one is bigger than our God. Thank you.

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I love your heart Dr Tenpenny!

Out of curiosity, have you ever researched the Old Covenant vs. the New Covenant? The verse you quote requires some context for better understanding. Covenantal context.

The conditions of God’s blessings changed when Jesus came; everything changed.

A few thoughts to consider regarding “repentance.”

Metanoia = mind change

Homolegeo = speak the same as

May we change our mind and begin to profess/confess the same things that Heaven are professing. Jesus paid the full price for our... healing, salvation, redemption, etc

May we change our mind, believing that Jesus was successful at ushering in His Kingdom.

His promises are true!!

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By chance. have you ever read the "old" covenant? It says no one can change anything; not a prophet (Deut 13) and not Messiah (Deut 18). In fact, the way the Messiah would be recognized is that He would ONLY teach what the Father had already said. It is forbidden to add or subtract a single word of instruction. That is why the Son said, "My teaching is not my own but comes from the one who sent me." That is also why the Son said, "one jot or one tittle will in no wise pass from the law until heaven and earth pass. Anyone who breaks one of the least commands and teaches men so, I will utterly destroy. Thus he will be nothingness in the kingdom of heaven." (original Hebrew)

Thereby fulfilling these prophesies of the very "new" covenant you speak about. Jer 31:33“I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts." Ezek 36:27 27 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.

Modern day doctrines are proof that Satan has infiltrated "the church" because almost no one reads their own Bible. Instead, they let false teachers tell them lies.

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I thought I was saved before 2020 but God used Covid to show me His Truth. I was blind but now I see! I praise God for you, Dr Tenpenny. Thanks for the practical application of how we are to respond biblically in these days against all our 'Goliaths'!

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This is where we stand firmly, trusting God, realizing that He is indeed our steadfast hope both now and forever. It's a cliche, but the saying "it's darkest before the dawn" comes to mind. Never lose faith that God has a way through for each of His people. When He is your strength, you will be able to accomplish what He has planned for you. If you are on the verge of giving up hope today, remember this story and how many times God has stepped in when all seemed lost to rescue His people. I can't see my future, but God does.

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God Bless You !

And the kitten-of-answers, two.

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One of my most favorite bible stories!

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