A few years ago, for the first time in all my years as a Christian, I read through the old testament. It was absolutely amazing. I remember reading about Solomon. It was so inspiring, until I got to the part where it talked about his huge haram. He had so many wives and concubines, (more than a thousand) and most of them were followers of pagan gods. This was his downfall. Lust turned his heart from God. How grievous. God had blessed him tremendously, more than any previous king and more than any later kings, but Solomon threw it away. The big lesson I learned from reading about all the failures of the kings in the old testament was how much we need Jesus. Story after story of His people forgetting Him and failing Him and turning their hearts from Him. That is why Jesus came.

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King David, the “man after God’s own heart,” had eight wives. For the record, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Most of the OT has the men having multiple wives, even Moses. I've done a little research into this... and the best I can tell ( so far) is that it wasn't until Paul talked about marriage in his letters that the Christian church began advocating for one-man, one-woman in marriage. As Adam and Eve left the Garden, and after the Flood, men took multiple wives.

I wrote this substack in Sept 2022 about the sexual escapades of those living in the Land. Seems that sex was so pervasive, everyone had sex with whomever would lay down long enough!! https://tenpennywalkwithgod.substack.com/p/what-was-it-like-as-in-the-days-of

So I'm not so sure that Solomon was doing anything out of usual or anything that God opposed during his time.

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Solomon forgot his own counsel and the wisdom of Scripture. God had given clear instructions for anyone who would be king: no amassing of horses, no multiplying of wives, and no accumulating of silver and gold (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). These commands were designed to prevent the king from trusting in military might, following foreign gods, and relying on wealth instead of on God. Any survey of Solomon’s life will show that he broke all three of these divine prohibitions!

Thus, Solomon’s taking of many wives and concubines was in direct violation of God’s Word. Just as God had predicted, “As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God” (1 Kings 11:4). To please his wives, Solomon even got involved in sacrificing to Milcom (or Molech), a god that required “detestable” acts to be performed (1 Kings 11:7-8).

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I'm only at 1 Kings 10 - much more to read and learn...

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I stand corrected! Note this week's substack!! thank you!!

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"Then people all over the earth will know that the LORD alone is God and there is no other." 1 Kings 8:60 NLT

What is the thing most wise to do in this life?

Wisdom from above always leads us to do what is most significant, and sometimes, we can't see what's most important until we reduce our lives to the essentials, the things that matter most.

"So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV

The Direction? Which way should we go?

The LORD has equipped us with unique gifts and abilities for His purposes. Go in the Direction where your GOD-given potentials (Gifts) can be best utilized to serve others, doing the things most important for the LORD's Kingdom. This ought to be what is most concerning to all of us as GOD's people. Doing the things that will last forever and not fade away, grow old, and not see corruption, storing our treasures in Heaven.

"But more than anything else, put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well." Matthew 6:33 CEV

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 NIV

The Direction? Which way should we go?

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." Matthew 11:28-30 NLT

His Direction is one of rest for our souls, easy to bear, and a light burden. Our works don't earn our way to Heaven, nor do they give us a more secure place in His Kingdom. What we do for the LORD is out of gratitude, an act of worship to honor the One who is above all things. The One who's given us a new life and Hope with a future, the One who is worthy of all our praise.

The Direction? Which way should we go?

"Show me the right path, O LORD,

point out the road for me to follow." Psalm 25:4 NLT

Conformation: an act of conforming, to make firm, give assurance.

"Which way should we go?"

"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 NIV

We should all desire to be used by the LORD in these last days. Again, whether we know it or not, we have all been equipped for his purposes. It is not an accident that you have been blessed with the skills and abilities to perform specific tasks, or even if you think you have no special skills, you do and need to believe it because GOD has created everyone unique. What is the Direction to take next? How am I equipped for the mission? The LORD will give you confirmation and enable you to move forward.

"This is a Confirmation"

The feeling the LORD is calling you for His purposes. He's calling you to do something, or you're asking to be called.

Identify the unique GOD-given special gifts you have. "I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that." 1 Corinthians 7:7 NIV

No ability, large or small, is to be overlooked but noticed as a potential to be used by the LORD for His purposes. "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17 NIV

No act of service is to be considered insignificant. Be reminded most minor things done for the LORD most often have the most significant impact in effecting the bigger picture.

How can this Direction encourage, Motivate, and build up the body of Christ and humanity, ultimately leading to being used to save lost souls?

Will this Direction fulfill the Great Commission? "When the good news about the kingdom has been preached all over the world and told to all nations, the end will come." Matthew 24:14 CEV

Will this Direction bring glory to GOD? Will your acts of service honor Him. "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." Revelation 4:11 NIV

Waiting patiently on the LORD in prayer until He answers, no matter how long it takes. Remembering it's not our plan we are asking for, but His, because His plan is better, and His timeline perfect. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD." Isaiah 55:8 NIV

"We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps." Proverbs 16:9 NLT Remember that GOD is Sovereign, and He has control of all things. As we accept a confirmation and have decided to move in a particular direction, "WE WILL NEED TO STEP OUT IN FAITH." It is the LORD who will be directing us and redirecting us along that path forward. We are to walk in faith without doubting. Knowing that He will lead us to His eventual pre-planned outcome.

Now, this is the time you trust in the LORD completely. Be confident in your decision. You don't need to know all the details. You only need to take the first step, take that step, and have no fear, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 NIV

"Then Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in front of the entire community of Israel. He lifted his hands toward Heaven, and he prayed,

"O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you in all of Heaven above or on the earth below. You keep your covenant and show unfailing love to all who walk before you in wholehearted devotion." 1 Kings 8:22-23 NLT

Desert Road. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8sazOiolF8&list=RDMM&index=3

Love on Fire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eUJaCfkBwI&list=RDMM&index=4

Holy Ground. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgpa6DOLSuY&list=RDMM&index=2

COME HOME. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5KbOEgc2OI&list=RDMM&index=6

A note about the music selected. This music allows the LORD to speak to our hearts deeply. The music further gives us comfort, (confirmation) (Direction), and encouragement, which will strengthen us to move forward. . .

GOD bless you all!

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At the beginning of all the 12 step meetings that I attend, we recite the Serenity Prayer.

“ God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.”

Without that wisdom that we ask for, the first 2 requests would be hard to follow.

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This prayer for wisdom and discernment has been ever present for me the past few years. And I am understanding why more and more. The psychological operations on all sides are most effective tools used by Satan and his minions. Without wisdom and discernment it is truly impossible to seek and know truth.

Many of my deep dives lately have been showing just how much of our history has been covered up and altered. It goes to show how vast and deep the seed war has gone since the dawn of man.

I so appreciate your depths of insight Dr. T, and for always reflecting your heart and thoughts back to the one source of TRUTH.

I pray healing and protection over you in the mighty name of Jesus. There is such power in his name. 🙏🏼


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Yes - can relate to all that you wrote.

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Thank you Dr. Sherri. This is much needed today. The struggles in my relationships weigh heavy on my heart.

Keeping you in thought and prayer. May you constantly feel God’s loving and healing arms enfold you. 😘❤️🙏🙏🙏

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It has been my practice to ask for God's wisdom before I make any decision. Sometimes I don't, then I see the fallout. We aren't perfect people, but with practice His Wisdom prevails in our daily trials, decisions, and dreams.

As Anna Burns points out we need Jesus. ALWAYS.

Solomon fell into pride. Plain and simple. This too must be kept in check. Did Solomon give God credit for his success? It doesn't say, so probably not. But, who knows for sure?

That is the wisdom I pull from this story. Solomon asked for wisdom, but somewhere down the line he stopped relying on His wisdom and looked to the "wisdom" of the other gods. We need to ask for it daily.

Dr. T I continue to pray for your recovery and am blessed by your growing wisdom as you read through God's word and are willing to share what you learn. Be blessed and may He give you health and strength in His perfect timing.

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Dr Tenpenny thank for sharing this message. ❤️

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Lord God. almighty I ask for your wisdom . Jesus Jesus Jesus

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I am grateful for this message. You are in my prayers, Dr T.

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So glad I found your page on here!

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Seems like after Solomon I don't recall men having haram's continued. Christians were first called Christians in Antioch (New Testament). Jesus spoke of marriage in Matthew 5:31 and again in Matthew 19:3. I've been reading the bible for over 25 years, I started in the Old Testament read through to Revelations the first time and realized all the answers to life were in the bible. Then I start over again reading from the old to the new or read a little each day from both. Love Psalms for encouragement and Proverbs as reminders to "obey God and leave the consequences to Him." As Solomon said about life and many things we do: "in the end it is all meaningless". My favorite is Proverbs 3 and I continue to pray for wisdom, discernment and understanding each day. My prayer list is long. I started making a list (one of a few) of all I was praying about and looked them over and how amazing it is to see how many prayers have been answered through the years.

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Amen and Amen, Dr. Tenpenny!! God bless you and thank you for sharing!! Here is a beautiful song called "Way Maker." https://youtu.be/iJCV_2H9xD0?si=_bvXLbrCqh595np_

Let's continue to seek the Lord and watch Him make a Way for us!! 🙏❤️🙌

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We never stop learning & God will never stop teaching! Awesome to be in his word & thank you for sharing Dr. T! I’ve been trying to Let Go & Let God...easier said then done. Wish we didn’t have so much free will...LOL. God Bless You & Your Efforts 🙏

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We all could use more wisdom. Now that I'm older, I do pray for wisdom alot more. We learn to realize we don't know everything and making wise decisions is better in the long run.

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