Thank you for all your hard work. It's interesting how God puts people in one's life from time to time, just at the right time. I can't remember the person's name but he led me to you at the beginning of all this evil (calling it what it is) craziness. Have since learned much about CV, the PCR and what viruses really are.

God truly is the protector of His children. May he continue to protect and bless you richly as you continue the fight.


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thank you so much Wayne! :)

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Thank you . I love that you are unafraid to speak the truth, God's truth, from His Word, given to us as the Bible. His Word gives us hope, strength and direction. I thank God, the God of the Bible for showing us who He is, so we are not left in the dark.

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Amen! Thank you for this beautiful lesson. I love the prayers at the end. Have a restful, peaceful Sunday. 🔆💛🧡❤️

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I needed to see this today Sherri, thank you. I pray every night for God's protection and turn my fears over to Him. Since this covid thing started from day one, God gave me the discernment to know it was all a lie. I never did anything the evil doers told me to do including the jabs. I thank God everyday He protected me and is still protecting me from evil.

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I agree with you 100%! I too made the same decision as you and I too see how the LORD is protecting us from all this craziness. There are so many passages in the Bible that say, "Do NOT fear". Yet, we saw many "believers" fear in man and not God. I thank the LORD He gives those He chooses wisdom and discernment for such a time as this. May God continue to protect us all.

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I look forward to reading these every Sunday morning. I get up early before the world is awake and take comfort in these words. Thank you for your warrior wisdom.

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Thank you Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. You are so uplifting in your strength from the Lord. Wish I could just sit and talk to you about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

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Being Jewish I have a very Biblical perspective on this, I was shown in several visions from the beginning that this was going to be a Biblical event aimed at saving humanity from the wickedness they have fallen into and bringing those who would listen back under God's protection. The whole process began on the year 20/20 and co-vid 19 can be reduced to co-dual, vid-vision 1+9 reduces to 1 or in the traditional Hebrew, dual vision becomes one. The world is blinded by duality but the eye single was even said by Jesus to fill the body with light. That is the process humanity is experiencing. It is an awakening to greater levels of spirituality and walking with God. We are seeing spiritual darkness grow in strength but that stimulates the growth of spiritual light as well. When you are walking with God, this is an incredible time to be alive. Everything in this world is contractual. God's law always supersedes man's law, so contract with God for protection and provision, and though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will sleep in green pastures. I say this from experience, King David's psalms can be your experience, just as they have been mine. You do not need to be Jewish or even religious, as God is no respecter of persons or titles. I am nothing special, simply as chicks, seek refuge under His wings and find rest from the storm outside. Shalom Aleichem

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Thank you for your beautiful and exciting! comment! I very much appreciate your insights. God Bless!

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Thankyou Dr Sherri, your words resonate so well with me, and thankyou for your guidance across this murky swamp. X

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Amazing. This was exactly the theme of the sermon at our church today. God is speaking to us through myriad channels and He is sending His message loud and clear.

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Amen. Thank you. 😊

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